Altered Haven's Mystical Musings

2222 Energy Portal Activation and Exploration

• Trina Zaragoza • Season 2 • Episode 1

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Today we are exploring the energy and information on February 2-2-22 portal activation and how you can use this energy to build new foundations in your life and journey work. We will see why the energy is unfolding on the planet right now what ways you can bring in support from yourself and others, and we will end with a ritual ceremony you can do on 2-2-22 date to bring in these new foundational pieces. All the information was guided by your host, Trina Zaragoza, Psychic and energy healer.
🔮Psychic Medium,  📚Empowerment Teacher
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💖 Shaman and Angelic Practitioner
🌈Chakras Practitioner & ✨Reiki Master

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💚Nationa Board Certified Wellness Coach 🌟Integrative Health Coach
🔮Psychic Medium, 🦋 Empowerment Teacher, 🎤Podcast Host 🌕Full Moon Newsletters, 💖 Shaman and Angelic Practitioner 🌈Chakras Practitioner & ✨Reiki Master

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and is no...

Today we are exploring the energy and information on Feb 2-2-22 portal activation and how you can use this energy to build new foundations in your life and journey work.  We will see why the energy is unfolding on the planet right now, what ways you can bring in support from yourself and others, and we will end with a ritual ceremony you can do on  2-2-22 date to bring in these new foundational pieces. All the information was guided by me your host, Trina Zaragoza Psychic, and energy healer. 

 222 portal of energy is open from 02/02/2022 to 02/22/2022, it’s a double accumulation of this energy coming in the 2’s energy (literally 6 twos) 2 represents balance, harmony, structure, teamwork, diplomacy, and coexistence. Some have been asking what is portal energy? Its sacred geometry that opens up that based upon the numerology of that number and that opens up a frequency vortex that can be felt and received by us.  This is a huge foundational portal for the future of NEW WAYS of being. It also starts the same day as the imbolic festival which represents that spring is just around the corner, celebrating light and fertility and honoring St Bridgette.  It’s the germination of seeds for the springtime and our personal experiences. 

 When we are aware of these dates, we are more able to work with these frequencies in our lives and journey here on this planet.  If you are interested in learning more about numerology there are tons of resources on the web. 

We are in the midst of a very expanding period of ascension during which the existence of photonic light is merging with a new light called plasma light.  Plasma light has been around in atomic forms but the new cosmic alignments have resulted in a huge plasma burst that has flooded the whole planet and everything that holds light.  Plasmic light holds the principles of consciousness and information of higher awareness activation.   It has an electron shift occurring at the quantum level of its production.  This light can’t be refracted or split into separate layers of information coming in.  This new light is going to highlight magnetism, superconductivity, and nonpolarity.  What’s also exciting about this is that the earth itself is raising right along with us.   The sun is the main conduit for this light energy to come in. 

This ascension has been unfolding in very fine increments and details to help guide you to this awakening process. You may have now been exploring cosmic events, ancient spiritual teaching, and more esoteric information.  The frequencies have been coming in around awareness and being unified as a collective force. We are going to be hearing more terms like the unity of consciousness and not just seeing it singular force energy but the collective source energy.  

Magnetism is the naturally occurring energy state of the cosmos.  So, all this is alignmenting with source energy and with our magnetic sun with the earth and it’s developing a superhighway of conductivity. 

We are being reminded that we are a direct expression of creation itself and being pushed towards this new awareness. We will see all these amazing new technologies emerge around magnetism (I personally can’t wait).  Lightworkers have felt the intensity of their light bodies shifting right before the last full moon or right after. We have both these symptoms going on along with the emergence of our old inner emotional debris that has to be cleared to go to this next level.  Trust me things I thought I had healed and shifted have come back up like it was an old lost friend….not cool.  

 This light energy has brought everything to the forefront so we can’t ignore whether it has to be healed, released, re-analyzed or to be re-experienced.   These lessons are showing up again so we can take responsibility in the roles we play in the lessons.  Source is literally keeping us accountable for our actions, words, and thoughts.  I was complaining to my guides about these lessons coming back with new title covers. I just heard a gentle laugh that we now have different tools and mindsets to shift it faster and gentler than we had before.  We are wiping the slate clean to shift into a higher frequency.  

The gift of this will be that we won’t be entangled with other souls that we are not in alignment with our frequency, the letting go of existential pain and more harmony.  I concede this sounds very pleasant so ok I am rolling up my sleeve and diving again into the shadow work. So, buckle up buttercups it’s time to devote some attention to your life.  It’s the embracing of the “I am presence”.  We have this amazing support of these frequencies that are coming in and also the light energy so know you are not doing this alone.

I know some of you are asking this is not what I feel right now as this pandemic rages on, political unrest globally, and so many other dense energies feel in their power at this time. The separation of these lower frequencies is how this is unfolding and is more intense right now, so imagine something was stuck finally coming off of something and you have to really pull with lots of tension to finally release…well that’s us on this planet right now. 

Back to the magnetic part… our chakras are mostly magnetic energy so this light energy will help bring us into balance more. We have survived in a very deleted energy system from our food with chemicals, to dying water, to toxins in all our products and,….I can go on and on.  Be awareness is already happening to change all that.  So start working with those chakras it’s super important, start working with the sun’s energy to receive these frequencies waves.  Just remember this piece because will show how important our connection to the sun is.  

The sun is a source of life-nurturing energy, for our planet and our energy bodies. We have a physical body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body, only one is in the material form where all others are in the energy form.  The best way to access this energy is through our sacred breath.  Relax and breathe and see the energy flowing into your lungs moving into all your chakras.  Visualize this light’s beautiful energy traveling into your lungs, into your cells causing your telomeres to be prolonged and the mitochondria to be recharged (power engines of our cells and we want them to be charged and reinforced).  Just be receptive and breathe several times throughout your day.   This will help us truly connect to the source of energy, unconditional love, enlightenment, cooperation, and heartfelt kindness.   I love the apple watch because it will do reminders to just take a breath.


How do we Working with this portal?

Think about your foundations, what do you want to change? What do you want to build upon? What actions do you need to take to build these foundational pieces? 

It’s a time for harmony and balances this unfolds as… work/life balance, play, masculine and feminine energies, auric field work, and chakra work.  Just remember balance equals harmony in grace.  You will receive what you actually need to receive… It’s guiding you to bring in more self-care vs work.  

Other portal coming July 06/06/2022 - revaluate what we are building and see if we want to change things and  08/08/2022= start of the galactic year.  How exciting!!


222 Portal Ritual

Intention: To initiate as a receiver of the 222-portal energy.  


1 Orange Candle -it’s 2.06 frequency 

Incense or essential oil of your choice, preferably that carries harmonious energy 

 List of possible herbs

Angelica: Also called Archangel. It is a very powerful protection herb, healing, creates harmony and courage (one of my favorites)

Basil:  keeps away negative energy and is a powerful plant ally that offers spiritual, emotional, and physical support.

Cloves:  is harmony and peace, drive away hostile or negative forces, produces spiritual vibrations

Dong Quai (Chinese herb):  balance ying and yang energies

Orange: is uplifting and balancing (can eat an orange even) 

 The symbol of The Vesica Pisces: (see below) is created by two equal circles intersected having their perimeter edges touching each other's centers. This shape represents cellular division, is symbolic of the human eye, vision, common ground, mutual understanding. It is the symbol of the fish and Christianity, the Goddess energy, the female vulva, praying hands, light, left and right brain. Perfect to call in the portal 222 energy.  The one I chose has third awareness and womb of the universe since we are building new foundations. 


On the night of the 02/202/2022, set up your ritual space with the items above and create sacred space as you normally would.  It’s super important that you don’t skip this step because we are dealing with a massive energy force. Within your space gather your items. 

 Get the sacred symbol and place it in front of you, put a candle above the symbol, and light with the intention of receiving this portal energy.  Then invite in the ‘download’ of wisdom from this portal by chanting and looking at the symbol the whole time. 

 Then chant 2 x

I open the channel

I say yes to the light

imbue me with power,

wisdom and sight.

I receive this energy tonight.

 Then do 2 deep breaths with visualizing the opening of your crown chakra like a lotus on top of your head.  Then 2 more breaths and see the energy flowing into your lungs moving into all your chakras.  Visualize this light’s beautiful energy traveling into your lungs, into your cells, deep on the cellular level of your telomeres and mitochondria to be recharged.  See them lighting up all over your body.  Take 2 more breaths and visualize this frequency and new coding going into being received by every single cell in your body.   Just sit and receive this amazing pure energy. 

 Once you feel this energy has flowed and activated your cells.  Now start thinking about what foundations for your future do you want?  Ask them to show you the actions needed to build these foundations. 

 Closeout the ritual giving thanks to the candle, herbs, portal energy, and your guides 

When done, journal your findings, insights, any sensations, transitions, or intuitions that came through for you during this ritual.  Everything is relevant so pay close attention to the feeling and insights of the 222-portal energy

 Thank you for joining me today I hope you took some ways to help bring in some support with 2-2-22 portal energy and ways to work with new foundational pieces in your life.  

You can connect with me at my website at . Become my friend on social media.  I have some amazing metaphysical products and services available on my webstore.  If you enjoyed this podcast you can support us with a coffee or Venmo ofernda.  this allows us to continue to roll out these podcasts

Just a reminder "If you feel like you don't fit into the world you inherited it is because you were born to help create a new one." - Ross Caligiuri.



copyrightŠalteredhaven 2022