Altered Haven's Mystical Musings

Beyond the Veil: Growing Up with a Psychic Mother Episode

Trina Zaragoza and Caree Zaragoza Season 3 Episode 14

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Welcome to mystical musings "Beyond the Veil," in this podcast, we explore a fascinating journey into the life of someone who grew up with a psychic mother

Today’s guest is Caree Zaragoza, a remarkable individual whose upbringing defied societal norms and offered a unique perspective on the supernatural Caree will share her personal story, revealing what it's truly like to grow up with a psychic mother and how it shaped her journey into becoming who she is today.

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 Today's guest is my daughter, Caree Zaragoza, spectacular young woman who just Finished  college at the top of her class while holding down a full-time job. She is tenacious, ambitious, kindhearted, intelligent, witty, so many things. I can't even list them all. Here. She carries the energy of justice and service to others in her heart, and soon will see how that is expressed in her work and in life.

But today we're gonna explore with her beyond the veil, growing up with a psychic mother. Welcome Caree. Hello. I'm so excited to have my daughter here. She is. Literally, I. Just a balm to the soul and one of the few people in my life that really holds me accountable. So just know that I have that people are always thinking I'm that for them, but she's that for me.

So today we're talking about raised by a psychic mother and how did that affect your life? But first I wanna describe to our listeners, What psychic abilities and mediumship is, psychic abilities are often misunderstood. So let's clarify some of these misconceptions. I think it's really important that we do this because what is a psychic ability?

We all have the sixth sense to tap into. It's for information and insights behind what our regular senses can proceed. My heightened awareness allows me to access information beyond everyday experiences. I have a unique talent for connecting with the spiritual world. As a medium, I can communicate with spirits such as ghost angels.

Crossed people, lower energies, berries, you name it. It's things that exist beyond this mass world Here. It's like having a direct line to the other side where I can receive messages from departed ones, spirit guides, angels, entities, all of that fun stuff. And I, when I receive these messages, it's not like a phone call or text message, it's more like receiving impressions or signals in different ways.

For example, I might say see things or visions in my mind's eyes, almost like watching a movie and I hear voices or messages in my head, it's like someone is speaking to me directly and I can also feel emotions or physical sensations that provide information about what they're trying to communicate.

It's like having an antenna that allows me to tune into frequencies beyond the normal range. Isn't it important to note that psychic abilities and mediumship. Can vary from person to person. Some individuals may have a natural talent for it while others develop it and enhance it with their abilities through meditation practice and training.

And I understand that some people may view psychic abilities in mediumship spectacle, and that's okay. It's more important thing is to keep an open mind and re. Respect different perspectives. And for those of who are open to these kind of abilities, we can offer different, unique insights and connections to a world that goes beyond this physical world and experience.

And while my psychic abilities can provide insights and information beyond normal perception, they are not all encompassing and infallible. My psychic abilities, such as my intuition and mediumship can let me tap into those energies, but. It's not always a very clear filter sometimes, and so they also have limitations and that's why I can't predict my own future and I, why I can't win the lottery.

It's because there's free will and multiple possibilities. There's a complexity of time, there's ethical considerations. So you know, I always have people ask me those questions about why don't you see this or that? And there you go. It's like a surgeon can't perform. Surgery on themselves. And it's the same with what I'm able to do.

I'm here to learn lessons just like you guys are. And so if they kept on giving me the answer key, I wouldn't be learning those lessons. So let's start with the fun question. As someone who is raised by a psychic mother, Hence me who didn't conform to, so social norms. And how did these unconventional upbringing shape your life?

Because I'm different from other Yeah. Different moms, right? Yeah, for sure. What's unique with all of us is we were all. Baptized, right? So a lot of people are, oh, you're witchy babies or whatnot. We also believe in a higher source, or, Jesus or our, my mom has taught us about our spirit guide.

So that was our, spirituality growing up. We didn't go to the. Classic or traditional church sometimes with the family friend or whatnot. But our mom raised us with drumming and going, learning about our crystals, and talking about the different angels and why certain loved ones had past and what they're doing on the other side.

She was our teacher for that. Oh, thank you. Oh, that made me smile. But with that being said, did it ever make you feel out of place because you weren't following what other people were doing? Yeah, I definitely felt different. Yeah. And peers and even adults made myself and not family aware of that.

Oh, your mom's psychic We were already ostracized, like we were them. We were the zaragoza with our witchy mom.

True. And so when she talks about witchy, I'm like, if you come into my healing room, you'll see. See it full of herbs and plants and crystals and a high vibration and frequency. I follow the cycles of the earth and not what others conform to say what the cycles are. Yeah, and I try to teach them that as well.

And I'm. We'll go out and wear my moon t-shirts and look like a unicorn threw up. That's just who I am. If you don't like it that's where I'm at. So let's talk about like how having a psychic mom shaped your experience and who you are today. Wow. Just like how your mom and. Your dad shape, who you are as a person.

We all have different moms, different dads, or if you're talking to this with your siblings or maybe you're raised by a caregiver, whatnot, we have these people that form us who we are and make us into our own. People. And so just having a psychic mom was just, she had these different tools, it was that mother intuition also with her spiritual intuition.

Moms that are listening to this podcast right now, you probably understand. What I'm talking about. When something's going wrong with your little one or with your family or X, Y, Z, you have that intuition that something's wrong. I need to go there and I need to fix it. I need to be there. So imagine that probably times 10, my mom has that mom intuition happening, and then probably her spirit guides or.

Some, one that has passed over some spirit telling her, Hey, you need to help cj, Caree Angelus, something going wrong or something happening with one of us. Yeah. But I'm gonna tell you, this girl learned right away how to hack the system. Oh yeah. And so what do I mean by this? I knew about her first kiss before she told me I knew about certain things, and so she learned how to tell her spirit guides that they're not only allowed to tell me things in case it's emergency and they're not allowed to tell me anything else, so she hacked it right away.

Oh yeah. It's like a filter like. Please don't let my mom know everything. Just the bare necessities are, you know what? She had said emergencies because I was like, all of a sudden I was getting all this information on her and then all of a sudden this door closed and I was like, what happened? And she goes, oh, I figured it out, mom.

And she was, About what, 15, 16, when you did that? Yeah. So she just said, I told them they're not allowed to let me be an open book to you anymore. And that's not saying she, I like it now that she tells me things because it's from her free will. Yeah. That she wants to tell me versus the guide snitching on.

So were you ever surprised or had in unexpected insights or. From the predictions that I made or the things that I saw probably just when you said you've had this ability since you were a little girl, right? Yeah. But you didn't express it. Yeah. Express it or dive into it until your twenties about, and then you really dived into it after leaving the daycare.

Yeah. And so I think just seeing you grow. As a psychic and a medium yourself, and it's like when you first started, it's like that baby psychic. You have your first tools and you're going on your first house clearing, cleansing, and whatnot, and just seeing how much you've. Grown throughout the years and look where we're sitting right now.

Where we're sitting in your healing space. Yeah. You're healing space. We're surround, we go the rock and gym shows every year. Like it's part of you now and Yeah. Yeah. It's no longer being hidden. Like I, yeah. Like a, I kept that part really buried for a long time because it wasn't acknowledged or it scared people.

Yeah. And now I'm like, here I am. This is me and. Aw, that's so sweet. I love that. How does this affect your relationship with your peers? And how did you handle those dynamics with it? A judgment, first of all with peers is they're just gonna judge you. They think you know, just all the mean words you can think of, oh, you're, your mom's reading my mind.

That's not true. Like she can read. Your energy and possibly connect to your spirit guides, but just the judgment around it. So for so many years, even to this day in 2023, it was still, I'll get the most recent comment that comes to mind when I had. When I was talking to a certain individual about your work, they said, oh, does she have the crystal ball?

No, but she got lots of rocks and gyms and tools and all the other stuff, but just the stereotype and the misconception like, oh, she's reading your mind right now. Or what you said, like, why don't you win the lottery? Or why don't you go do this and that, or what you had said earlier on in the podcast.

How can you not prevent certain tragedies or stuff happening and it's that free will and so much happens that's beyond your control. And then I think the next one would be fear around it. Not just fear from other peers, but fear. Myself, I'm a child growing up and my mom's psychic and I know she's dealing with some negative and bad energies, and there's been in.

Instances where those have targeted our house or our family, and so that could be scary within itself and it's. A weird and interesting world that we're in, the peers judge it and have fear. And myself, I had judgment and fear, but then you learn to accept it and how it's gonna benefit our life in the long run.

Yeah, absolutely. She was my one kid that would introduce me as her hippie mom. Yeah. To try to dismiss all the crystals and everything when they first came along. It took her a long time to use the word like psychic, intuitive when it came to me, and I was okay with that. Because that was her process and the part that she had to unfold with it.

Yeah. And you yourself, you could probably share when you're working with it, how do you introduce yourself? People, I, it's so hard for me cause I hate labels. I hate using the word I even hate using the word psychic or medium. To me, I'm just a messenger. I'm a communicator for spirit, and, but there's no words for that.

So I, I tend to like to use intuitive. But people really like to use those labels of psychic and medium because it tells you what does that intuitiveness cover? Yeah. That kind of stuff. Yeah. And then I while we're on this topic, A lot of people have the judgment and fear around it, but I do think a lot of people believe in it and they're just scared.

Oh, they're scared They don't understand. And like you were talking about, I kind of wanna circle back to how you were talking about how you've had fear and like I've had fear with it because, I'm one of the few people that have taken on lower energies Yeah. To fight 'em, right? And like you said, they've come after our family to try to intimidate and scare me, and there's been, they've done a good job a few times.

Yeah. And so it's one of those things of learning what you're gonna take on and what you're not. And but yeah, I always say we are all warriors in this family cuz it's just not me that chose to take this on because these kids have helped develop me into where I'm at and I couldn't do the work without them.

True. Yeah. Okay. Highlight the positive and negative aspects of having a mom with psychic abilities. Ooh Unfortunately, a negative comes up right away, and that would be the ghost. Scary. You gotta share one of the stories so they have something they, they could relate to. Like what you had said.

There's like a whole pile of pig from What about the little kid one that messed with you in the shower? Was that you? That was cj. Oh, that was cj? Yeah. Okay. I'm trying to think which one has, what about that one? When you came home or driving home and It was outside of our house. Oh yeah, that one. Yeah.

I was just getting ready to do a really dark house clearing. And this house is on lockdown people. I'm talking wards, guards. We have. Buried things underneath this healing space. When we painted the house, we have sacred high vibrational words, frequency, we have things buried in the land. Oh yeah.

Yeah. So it was literally off the property of where I did these grids and when she was coming home. But this is her story to tell. Yeah. I think I had just got off work. Late that night I was working I'm a nanny right now, by the way. And so I'm driving home and it gets pretty dark, right?

And so I'm getting home. I believe it's about 9:00 PM or so, and I see this tall. Large man, just this big man standing outside of our house. And what my mom said, it was like more towards the street. Like he wasn't even on like the grass area. And we have this light that just shines motion, censored, light.

Anytime a car comes by, someone's walking by. And the light was just on flashing on him. And then I pull up and I was like, what's that man doing there? And then the light turns off for a sec, then turns back on and he's gone. And so I'm like, what do I do? It's nighttime. I literally think it's a real person.

Yeah. And so I'm just wait and I think I call my boyfriend or something before I go inside. And I go inside and I tell my parents and I realize I seen a ghost. And so I tell my mom, and one of the first questions I'll ask her are, do you have a clearing coming up? I seen something spooky and. Half the time she follows up with Oh, yeah.

Yeah. So I've learned, now I have to warn them Yeah. To put protection on everybody connected to me when I'm getting ready to do a clerk. Yeah. That's crazy. But yeah, they, my kids can tell you some really fun ghost stories here. And so that's what about some of the positives? Yeah. And so the positive.

The flip side, I was gonna say with all this spooky, scary ghosts and negative energy, is that you have the tools and just such an awesome psychic, I'll be biased here, but you can clear and get rid of those energies or help them cross over and, so many angels. When I'm just having any problems, I'm always, which one do I have to call on?

Is it Michael, is it Gabrielle? Is it this? You know all of them and you're. Always constantly working on yourself as well. So what better teacher or healer is that, that you have taught me that you need to go see someone or work with someone that's working on themselves as well.

Otherwise, cer not a true teacher healer. They, we all have our wounds and we all have our shadow pieces and you could just be growing every day. Yeah, we're here in the human experience, right? Yeah. And people think because you're a light worker quote, that you don't carry stuff and that's not true.

I honestly feel like light workers, we took the AP class here. Yeah. Like some of our soul lessons have been like, What the f and so we're always having to acknowledge our emotions, our shadow side, and what does that work with. And that doesn't mean we're infallible, that we're not human.

And yeah, I've had to constantly. And how does it affect you? Like when I go off on my spiritual trips, like when I'm like, gotta go here, I go deep diving into my shadow again. It. First I miss you. You're my mom. I still live at home. Everyone, college was expensive. Stay at home. Thank you mom and dad.

But when mom leaves, I'm left with, I'm second mom here, run in the household, but then I have self-reflection like, you just turned 50 this year and what am I gonna do when I'm 50? You're telling me. Earlier this week, you're gonna have to drop me off at the airport, and I'm what trip do you have?

This woman is constantly going on trips and working her new medicine, and, people look at me and we had talked about this oh, Trina 2.0 and that's not the case. But I am Kari and I am a branch of Trina we'll see what the future holds. Yeah, she is definitely a great blend of me and my husband.

She definitely looks a lot more like me. But her personality spunk in tenacity is definitely, if I had what she carries at 23 years old, I honestly feel I would be in a different space in my life. And so I'm always so excited to see how she's gonna branch out herself with her branches and how that's gonna look out into this world.

This girl carries the energy for justice for others and. Service for others. She just finished her criminal justice degree with honors. So yeah. Congratulations. Yeah, I'm so proud of her. That girl had six chords around her neck. I was like, they're gonna break her neck with all her accomplishments she received but that's who she is.

She's always been one for striving to do her best. And looking at stuff and like I told you guys early, she's one of the ones that holds me accountable. If she sees me moving into an old pattern of behaviors of thoughts or our actions, she calls me out on my stuff. Oh yeah. And sometimes I don't always like it, I'm like, oh, whoa.

And a she'll use my words against me. And and I don't wanna say against me. She uses my words to redirect me. To Hey mom, this is not true. This is this perspective. And yeah. Senator sh so yeah, I love that piece about her. How do you think me being a psychic or intuitive, or whatever you want to call it, has affected our family dynamics?

Cuz not everyone in our family has the same view as me. Yeah. And we had. Talked a little bit about this before we had sat down for this podcast and I think it's. Really made our relationship grow to the next level. What I had said, we go to those rocketing gym shows together and the body, mind and spirit festivals and whatnot.

I think the same thing with the peers you said. Feel some judgment around it. But still they're curious. I think especially we know who we're talking about, and everyone's all in their own journey. Like I see my brothers, they also are very intuitive, but are they actively like working with it or they're shadow pieces?

Yes and no. And I would encourage them, or I would like to see them step into it a little bit more, but I feel like. Myself really. And you were and Peyton likes to do our ceremonies and stuff together, but you can definitely feel a little bit of the divide, but they're all very supportive in understanding.

Yeah, absolutely. And I like what you said everyone is on their own journey. Yeah. And we, sometimes I think when we do this work, we have this expectation that people walk at our same pace and to be on the same path as us. And that's not always the case, cuz that's not always what their sole journey is supposed to be.

True. And trust me, I have to remind myself that several times, and like there's times like I was seeing the pandemic probably I. Six more, six months before it happened. They were preparing our family. Yeah. And I went into panic cuz if you see the world, seeing like what we saw, like the shutdowns and people dying everywhere, it was very fearful.

And what they did is really help me ground and saying it's not here yet. But let's prepare. Yeah. So we, and we were already at the store like with masks before. Anybody, anyone. And like we were stocking up on our foods and just making sure we were ready beforehand. And that's happened. Not like the Covid was a very recent, but even like with other stuff, you would like sense like there's a bad like blizzard coming soon, and you would, there was times. You would have a heads up, still with your psychic abilities, you don't know what's happening tomorrow or Yeah. It's just not what's happened to us the past few weeks. It's still, our guys literally whoop like, what's your lessons?

And so she's talking about the last few weeks we lost our spirit dog. One of our dog that's literally was called Kari, literally called that dog in by spirit. Penny for 10 years tragically. And then we had a car careening into one of our favorite spaces in this house is our backyard.

And so made it unsafe and it just brought a lot of chaos and turmoil as we're still trying to shift through this grief. And that's the things, those are part of those lessons of things that we can't control and and how do we process and stuff? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that was hard. What is the most valuable lesson or piece of wisdom that you've taken from me, you think?

Ooh, fun question. First one that comes to mind. Do what you love. Who cares? Whatever anyone else thinks or says. Oh, if you carry that right away, Kari, that was number one on my list. Seriously, will carry you throughout live because it, I didn't hit that until probably my early forties of not carrying what others think of me.

And always trying to find my values and what others' opinions are. Their evaluation of me. Now, it's not saying, I still don't do that with like my parents. Cause I still see myself, that little girl come up sometimes and then I have to remind myself, Hey, quit it. Yeah. Yeah. That little girl wants that.

Reassurance. Reassurance, yeah. That validation and stuff like that. Yeah. So is there anything else that you wish we would've talked about that we didn't, about having living in a psychic intuitive household? I know we we might need a part two to this one. Anything that we didn't talk about?

Let's see. Maybe, do you wanna talk about it right now? Sure. Before we close, maybe we could touch base how, like your psychic abilities and you being intuitive and whatnot, how that has spread or like in how it's affected you being a mom, raising children that are also intuitive. Intuitive and psychic.

Yeah. So literally I shut my gifts down when I was. Really young because family members reacted, with anger and I'm talking like physical, hit me because I made predictions that came true and it scared 'em. You're the devil. You're speaking in the devil's like, what? How is this the devil?

It was an angel that came and told me, and so they really taught me that I couldn't trust to say what I saw or seen and I had to keep it to myself. And that got ton down. But then when my oldest was born, Who came in this world so intuitively intuned and seen and sensing everything.

He was so overwhelmed by it. I had to learn how to what it was first. And help him learn how to deal with what he was seeing, sensing and all that stuff. So literally we had our first house, you guys that we had together being married was. So haunted, like the stories I can tell you was so haunted and my little boy CJ felt and sensed everything and it scared the beji bees out of him.

And we literally had the psychic mediums come to do a clearing and they, when they first met me and cj, they said, it's not just him, it's you that they're drawn to. And I was like, No way. So with that being said, I had to learn how to really start stepping into help empower my child and how to deal with it.

And in that empowerment of learning that it helped empower me to help me step into my own intuitive gifts. And it just was a ripple effect from that. Yeah. I think what's hard having Being an intuitive mom is learning to let go of control. Yep. Because I wanna I know what can help support you and guide you on this journey, but sometimes you guys don't always wanna accept that help.

And I have to be okay with that. Yeah. And because sometimes I fight you guys like, Just listen to mom, and I have to trust that it's part of your journey and your growth. And all I can do sometimes is just offer luck. True. And that's hard. Yeah. That's a hard lesson to do. But with all three of you, it's been uniquely different.

And each one carries a unique, intuitive energy and gift. Kari is a. Also very empathic. She does have some mediumship ability that she even had developed as a young age that we actually had to turn off and on. Do you mind me sharing this? Oh yeah. So I'll give you an example. One time we were at a grocery store with her friend, she can actually see spirit as a physical mass form here on this.

Planet. I see it more as a like energy haze or vibrational frequency, but she can actually see them physically. And when she was younger, there's a lady standing in line in front of us and then Kari started bending down talking to someone. Me and her friend were like, who is she talking to? And she turned up and looked up at the lady and she goes, oh, you got the most beautiful little daughter.

And the lady started to cry. Yeah. And she, like Kari didn't understand why is this lady crying? And what happened was she told us that she just lost her daughter a few months ago. That was two years old. And Kari just said, mom, I saw her holding her mom's hand. Yeah. She was like right there. Legitly, pigtails and everything.

Yeah. And and then the other's experiences, like she had difficult times doing sleepovers with friends. Oh yeah. Yeah. Because she would sense the energy in their homes and sometimes spirits. And so I would get a call at one or two in the morning come get. So our house ended up having the sleepover house.

Yeah. You come over here because I know my mom knows how to clear it if something comes in. So just know that pieces of everyone's development looks different for each of you. And I love that, and I appreciate you coming because I know this is a vulnerable space to talk about. Oh yeah. My mom, oh man, she's been trying, I wanna say months, maybe even a year, to get me on this podcast.

Oh, next week or soon? Soon. And finally this week. And what I had said, everything we've just been through, I said, Mom, let's sit down and let's do this podcast. Yeah let's do this discussion. I wanna thank everyone for joining us today. I hope you enjoyed this little brief glimpse into what it's like growing up in an intuitive household and a psychic mother.

And I hope you really enjoyed Caree just as much as I do. And if you want to reach out to me, you can contact