Altered Haven's Mystical Musings

Unleashing the Erotic Blueprint

Trina Zaragoza and Gina Garris Season 3 Episode 14

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Unleashing the Erotic Blueprint: A Hilarious and Engaging Exploration of How Sexual Expression Shapes our Selves

In this podcast, we dive into the often taboo topic of eroticism and how it plays a crucial role in shaping our identities. From the bedroom to the boardroom, we examine the ways in which our sexual desires and expressions impact all aspects of our lives. With a mix of humor and candid conversations, we explore the complexities and nuances of human sexuality and how it shapes our relationships, careers, and overall sense of self. Join Guest speaker Gina Garris Bliss Coach and Shamanic intuitive Trina Zaragoza as we uncover the erotic blueprint that lies within us all.

Gina {GG} Garris is a lover of LOVE, SEX, and all things RITUAL and naturally creates a sacred space of awareness, acceptance, and appreciation of all aspects of you. GG mentors in the realms of Erotic Blueprints™, the Orgasmic Arc™, holistic sexual health, and sacred ceremony.  “Wholeness, juiciness, and life without shame” are a few ways Gina’s clients describe the results of her work. As part of the LGBTQIA community, it is GG’s pleasure to serve all orientations. For more information:
Link to Erotic Blueprint Quiz




is an intuitive, shamanic, and angelic practitioner who is passionate about guiding people on their spiritual journey. She believes in spiritualism rather than religion and her teachings are open to anyone who feels a call

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 Welcome to Mystical musings podcast, where we explore the intersection of spirituality, personal growth, and empowerment. In this episode, we will dive into a fun topic with spirituality and sexual exploration with our guest, Gina Garris, who is a lover of love. She has an infused her life with sharing about love, sexuality, and all the beautiful gifts it bring.

She is a healer, teacher and mentor. Gina thrives on facilitating sexuality and sacredness and inviting more playfulness into our lives. Let's journey together to explore this spicing and tantalizing subject. Hi, Gina. Welcome. Hi. Hi, Trina. The first time I met Gina was we explored a class on. Oils and sexuality, and it was such a fun and engaging class.

My students really loved it, and it was just a, a different perspective on things. So tell me a little bit about yourself, Gina, and what led you onto this medicine path with exploring this exploration of love. Yeah, thank you. I've really been on this path my whole life. I got in trouble when I was about three and a half from my preschool teachers for showing my friends how to soothe themselves, i e touching themselves in a pleasurable way.

And so,  I tease that I've been teaching people how to self-pleasure my whole life. I think that this sex priestess, these sexual. Lineage teachings have been passed down for lifetimes. I think it's something that I've lived over and over and over, and yeah, it's just something that's always been in me and I'm not exactly sure.

I don't need to know how or why, but I've just always been the person that people have come to to talk about sex. Oh, that's amazing, right? ? Mm-hmm. . Yeah. I think it's a subject that people tend to shy away from. It depends like when they're exploring their shadow side, I think it's more like, it's more hidden.

It's not out in the open and so free of this,  giving permission that it's okay to explore this because it's a huge piece of who we are. Right? ? Yep. So you work with the erotic embodiment and erotic blueprint. So tell me a little bit about. Yeah, so the embodiment work that I do, we, it stems from our eroticism, and so it's just tapping into the parts of ourselves that it's really just taking a look at our eroticism, which I believe is the core vibration of who we are.

I believe that our life force is the erotic resonance and so many humans. Have turned it off or there's shame or we've been shamed to not express, to not be living in that fullness of their aliveness. And so the work often is just uncovering and then getting into how can I be more of that? And the erotic blueprints is a tool that I use that helps we get to,  fine tune and learn how you're erotically wired.

So what are the ways in which you. Find your turn on a near arousal and we can, we can talk more about that later if you'd like. Oh, no, I'd love to explore it now. Yeah.  like, you know, like who wanna, who doesn't wanna know their blueprint, right? Are their erotic, like what brings in that pleasure, that joy, that sensuality into your life?

So yeah, let's explore that now. Great. So my teacher, JIA, has been studying for, oh, I don't know, 35 plus years I've been mentoring with her. 10, 15 years and she started to notice just these pathways that humans had. And so there's five blueprints and I'll just go through them really quick. There's the energetic and energetics really need space and teas and anticipation.

They also need safety and connection to find. Be in their arousal. The shadow side of a, an energetic blueprint is that they can disconnect almost immediately and they can't find arousal if there's no connection. So safety and connection super,  important for the energetic. They're also, they're superpower is that they can basically have energetic, full body orgasms without even being touched.

So it's,  I don't know if you, if, if our listeners have ever experienced like butterflies when they're first kissing or first meeting someone, that is the sensation that an energetic has access to all of the time through their arousal. So that's, it's really fun to play with inter an energetic. . Oh yeah, absolutely.

Yeah. You know, like, and I love that that space that you just said, it's a, it's a space of safety. And I think that's really important for everybody. People don't, we don't talk about that, you know, and I think sometimes in society I see a little bit. Like, when I look at some of these younger generations, I see a disconnect with, sexuality and how intimate and how sacred this connection is.

You know, . Yeah. Right. I don't, I don't disagree. And I would say that I see that in, I see that in all ages. , it, yeah. That's true. True. In all ages. Yeah. So the next, the next blueprint is the sensual b.  and the sensual blueprint is they're turned on by really all the five senses. So candles and oils and scents and soft touches and beauty all around them is really a turn on and they can orgasm through food, through music, through really just all of the senses being activat.

One thing for essential is that they need a toggle. They need to relax before they can get into their arousal. So in society, we're taught that women are like this, women are crockpots. But the reason I love this tool is that it, it takes out the binary because there's so many, there's so many humans that are sensual the sensual blueprint, but are stereotyped that they're the sexual, which I'll get to in a minute.

And so one of the superpowers with Essential Blueprint is that you can, really orgasm with your food, with music, just be in full body orgasm pleasure. They need a toggle, so they need a massage or a bath or something to be able to get into their fullest state of arousal. And their, one of their shadow sides is that they,  they can get in their.

Or the orgasm is elusive. So you're almost there. You're almost there, and then it slips away and then you, you have to start over and then you, you know, and so, that's one of the shadow sides. Absolutely. So with that shadow piece with, is it always about learning how to get out of your head with that piece there?

Like, like is it through meditation? Is it through mindfulness? Is it through breath work? What is those pieces that help them to kind of get out of that head? Yeah, I love this question and my answer is probably not the most helpful because once you meet an erotic being, you're literally just meeting a brand new erotic being.

We are all wired so differently. We're snowflakes. We're so unique. We're so unique, and so to.  to get outta your head. The first place to notice is, is like, oh my gosh, that's me. Wow. I need to relax. I love foreplay. I, I have to have all that before I'm ready. And the first thing is just the awareness of it and then start to play and map your own arousal of what does get me out of my head.

What are the things like some people, if there's socks on the floor, if the house is dirty, they.  dishes in the sink, they literally can't relax. And so knowing that about yourself, you get to set yourself up to win. Mm-hmm. , right? So a lot of the sensuals that I work with, they just know, okay, we're gonna have a sex date, or if I'm gonna do this, these are the things that I need to set myself up.

Yeah. And when we get to the end, I'll talk about the philosophy. Well, I guess I'll just do it now cuz it's here.  My philosophy is that you are the only one responsible for your pleasure. No one else is responsible for your pleasure. So if you come to the relationship fully fed, then there's no graspiness.

There's no neediness, there's no need to like get somewhere because you come to the relationship and you come to your sexuality full. And so feeding yourself is one way to. Train yourself to stay out of your head. So it's acceptance, it's noticing acceptance, and then mapping to find out what works for you.

So when you say feeding yourself, what does that look like? I, for me, I envision like you working on your emotional, mental, and physical body that you bring into balancing to all of those pieces. It's just not one with the sexuality. It's like the wholeness of everything that you're working on. Hmm. I love that.

I feel like that tends to be more of a, let's see. That would be, to me, what I hear you saying. I resonate with, that's me how I live with my life in feeding the fullness of my life. If I'm specifically feeding my erotic blueprints, I'm gonna take a look first at what is my one leading blueprint, and then are there starving blueprints?

And so there's a system of just fully knowing yourself and feeding yourself. So for example, feeding your sensual blueprint could be that. You have rituals that are, um, like magical bath or you, you do things to feed your sensual self. For me, I'm generally wearing and don't wear anything that's scratchy.

I wear clothes that are delicious, they're buttery, they hang off my shoulder because it feels good. I love to see it, right? So I feed my sensual blueprint by where I live. My temple is gorgeous. . Those are ways, ways in which I feed mine. You can also do,  beautiful sensuals have beautiful self-pleasure practices because they're not genital focused generally.

It's literally just, you know, fur. Spur on your skin or softies, . So, that's soft sacred text. Yes. You know, like that just stimulates the senses. Mm-hmm.  stimulates the skin and it brings in all that ooey gooey fillings. Yes. Right? Yes. Yes. . I love it. So what are other, like, when you say feeding yourself, I like, I talked a little bit about how I feed myself and how you feed yourself.

How do other pe have you seen other people feed?  their selves too. Mm-hmm. ? Well, it really depends on the blueprint. So in energetic, you know, energetics can do yoga, meditation,  quiet time, just stillness can be extremely feeding. And arou, and arousing space is huge for energetics to come back.  Lots of HSPs or highly sensitive persons or empaths or energetics.

As you know, we can get over stimulus, right? So coming back into you is one of the ways to feed yourself so you can be available to connect, to be available for your turn on an arousal to arrive. And once you know, , like if this is resonating with everyone, it's like, oh my God, I thought I was broken. I'm an energetic shape shifter, so I thought I was broken until I found these teachings because I needed so much space I needed, so I needed to go so slow.

And there's a map once you know, and start to work with the blueprint. So I'm like energetic, sensual, kinky, energetic, kinky, energetic. Shapeshifter, energetic, and then you can get to the sexual, where someone can have access to my genitals. So my map is not just, oh, let. , rub some oil on you and then make love.

Yeah. We're, yeah, we're the, yeah. Yeah. I, for, for me, I need a, a huge mental and emotional connection with someone. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm.  for, that's, you know, for my expression, um, part of my map, as you would say, . Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. You know, like, yeah. And so we talked about the first two. What is the third blueprint?

Yeah. The third blueprint is sexual. And the sexual blueprint is really what, what our culture has taught us what sex is, which is like genital to genital, you know, penis inside of a vagina. That kind of sucks. It's like you come together, you have sex, you have an orgasm. Super successful if you both orgasm at the same time and then you're done.

So the sexual blueprint is a beautiful blueprint. There's lots of sexuals out there and there's lots of sex. There's lots of humans who aren't sex. So part of part of coming into your erotic essence is really unlearning everything we've learned about sex and expanding our definition of climax, orgasm, and sex.

But the sexual blueprint is basically what everyone knows, which is, this is what sex is. It's fun, it's easy. Go to. You're hot to go right away. They love nudity. They like watching people. They like, porn is feeding for the sexual blueprint. Yeah. So sexuals are fun because they're always game for sex.

They love sex, they love to talk about it. They love to do it. Yeah. They wanna do it all the time. If they're not getting it, they feel like they're dying. And so sexual blueprint, humans are so great. One of their shadow sides is that they don't necessarily, the shadow side of a sexual blueprint is that they don't necessarily wanna do or explore in of the other stuff, because it's like, why do you need all that?

Why do I need to rub you down? Why do you need to feel. . It's not necessarily safe, but why, why do we need to have connection? Like, we've done this before and, and I'm ready to go and why aren't you ready to go? Or you had an orgasm, I don't understand why you're not satisfied. You know, and so sometimes that's the shadow side of the sexual is that they just can't see past the outside the box of, of what sex is and can.

Yeah. Yeah. And I, I loved what you said earlier because I literally say this to everybody out there that we're are snowflakes. Mm-hmm. , and it's a unique expression. Even our sexuality is that way. Mm-hmm. , we are also different and  unique when it comes to our experiences, the way we were brought up. All of those pieces of our own inner piece of how that's expressed.

I mean, I love that. And so it's learning. When we interact with someone to really understand, we're dealing with that whole other, piece blueprint or snowflake that you were just talking about, and  hopefully given a different perspective and look at that when we're interacting with someone. Right? Yeah.

It's so great. And this, this tool, the erotic blueprints is beautiful because it gives us a language, it gives us a language to communicate because energetics you. Are speak a different language than sensuals, than sexuals. And the next blueprint is kinky. The kinky blueprint, the kinky blueprint and kinky is a little different Sometimes people have a little ah, about that word kink.

And kinky. And kinky is what is taboo for you. And so I always tell people if someone has sex in, in missionary position, Their whole time and they decide to do, try something different, like maybe doggy style, something that may be kinky for them. For me doggy, my doggy style with maybe eight people is my kink because my edges are just a little bit different, right?

And so I love, I love to teach people that kink is literally just what's taboo. I'm turned on by what's taboo and what's taboo for you, it could be sex outside. For someone else may be very natural or very energetically delicious and feeding. They might be an energetic, but for someone else it might be really, really kinky.

And so being kinky, quote unquote kinky doesn't necessarily mean that you're involved in B BDSM or things like that. It's literally just what's taboo for you. So I just, I love to make that. No, I love that cuz it, it teaches you, what's your boundaries with sexuality? With your sexuality and the expression of sexuality.

Right. And I think that's a subject that is, can be difficult to approach sometimes with partners,  depending on. The communication and the relationship and stuff like that and what we've been taught. , like you were saying, some of us, like I grew up strict Catholic school, you, you name it, girl , like the talk of sexuality and all that was like literally.

Off the table. It wasn't something we, we talked about, even  learning about  how my body functioned as a woman came from my friends. It didn't come from anybody else. I had to learn it all on my own kind of stuff. So it's one of those things of., giving yourself permission that this is something that's okay to explore.

Yeah. Right.  for sure.  And to do it with this person that you feel safe with is the, one of the ways that I say is a, a great way to start that exploration. And if they don't feel safe with one, this is where you come in to help kind of people be able to say, Hey, this is where, establish my blueprint so I can do and give myself permission for this explor.

Right . Yeah. And I always say start with yourself and that will lead me to the, the shadow side of the kinky blueprint. And that is shame. Mm. So just knowing that. So Trina, we don't know for sure. I should have had to take the quiz before we started. But anyway, maybe that can be the next, the next episode is, is the next episode, but you could be an energetic blueprint and also have the shadow side of the kinky.

So many, many people have shame when it comes to round to sex, sexuality, and a lot of it is societal beliefs, religious beliefs, familial beliefs, the imprinting that we have been given. And trauma. Yes, trauma is a big one. Yep. And so working through shame is, is really often one of the first doorways that I'll work with humans.

You know, most people are reaching out because I'm not having sex, I'm not having orgasms. I want to be more expressive. I'm having a block here. So often the doorway to me is through shame and. If you're listening and you have any shame, or this feels uncomfortable, I can't believe you're talking at sex in public.

You're not alone. I just want you to know you're not alone, and one of the first ways to bust through shame is to talk about it. . And so finding a safe space to do that or listening to more podcasts like this really does help melt the parts of us that thinks this is not okay. It's not okay to talk about it, especially in public.

Right? Cuz we're doing a very taboo thing, you and I. Oh yeah, absolutely.  I think. In my experience in working with the clientele that I work with, they think it's separate and it's not. It's part of our whole,  physical, emotional, mental, spiritual being. It it is ingrained and interwoven into those pieces.

Yes. And it's not separate. It's a part of us. Yes. And we have to give ourselves permission that it's okay. To have this expressive piece of us, but also learn, like you were saying , if we do have this, ugh, this makes me uncomfortable, and oh I don't know,  why is that and explore that,  because I had to do a lot of work on my inner shelf and shadow around the shame pieces and how that's expressed and, make sure I don't imprint that onto my daughter.

You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. So the,  and so it's given yourself permission, it's okay to explore. Yeah. And the different ways you can explore it. And I loved how you say the first way to explore that is with yourself. Mm-hmm. . And so when you say that, what does that look like?  I wanna go back to what you said, that it's not separate.

I love this so much. People, I know we're gonna talk a little bit about sacred sexuality and what is it after. Finish with the shapeshifter, that's next. But we are sacred beings. We are divine, sacred beings. And in that you are sacred. We are sacred. So anything that, to me, anything we do with our bodies or with other people bodies is an act of devotion and sacredness.

So the first thing is really doing some inner work on what is sex. , what, what is intimacy?  Just taking a look at what are your own inner beliefs about it. Do I have fears? Do I have desires?  A self-inquiry is probably the first place I would start. And then the blueprints is amazing cuz you can figure out what is my blueprint?

And you can start to discover like, oh wow, what is my way to turn on? I really do get turned on when I'm seeing those two people kiss over there. But that's like not my orientation or I don't understand that. And can you allow it to be there? One of the things I just love is like the permission can you allow that whatever turns you on is okay.

And then, and like you don't have to do anything with it like, This is what turns you on. Turns you on. Awesome. . I love that. It's so great. Like it doesn't, you know, I love that you don't have to do anything with it. It's okay to acknowledge that piece of yourself. It doesn't mean you have to like go out and explore that.

Just to acknowledge that is like almost like a breath. Yes. Yes. I can breathe. Yeah. I wanna,  clarify that there's two branches of the Kinky Blueprint. One is psychological, and so that comes into a lot of,  fantasy and mind play and thinking about it. And so if you have thoughts or fantasies and they turn you on, that is on one level and can be a link to the Kinky Blueprint.

And then the other version of the Kinky Blueprint is sensation. So that's when we get into. Sensation play with maybe constriction or,  dominance in submission. So some of that is also on the side of the sensation,  kinky blueprint. Oh, okay. Yeah. And so we went through four, what's the fifth one? The fifth one is the shape shifter.

And the shape shifter is where you're erotically wired really through all the blueprints. And so you have. You have just this really beautiful access to arousal. I love to say that we are all actually shapeshifters at the core. In our sacred divine essence. We are born a true energetic, or excuse me, erotic like strata, various, this beautiful musical instrument that can be played and aroused in all of the ways and our conditioning and our our trauma.

I like to call 'em emotional STDs. Shame, trauma and drama. , I love that. Emotional std. I'm gonna steal that one girl. . Shame. Drama. And drama through that we're wired, right? So a lot of people who have trauma become energetic because they're highly sensitive. They can pick up on everything, and they need that safety to be able to relax, to get into their arousal, right?

And so, I'm not necessarily saying anyone with trauma ist energetic. I'm just saying that sometimes the way in which we were raised, I feel like puts us into the different pathways of the other blueprints, and as we start to explore and expand and shed layers and look at the shadow sides and give ourselves permission to fully open, I often find that my clients are like, wow, I really truly am a shapeshift.

I love all these different ways and can be met. One of the shadow sides of a shapeshifter is that because they're so, I don't wanna say good,  they have so much access to each blueprint. They can fall into a rut of, of pleasing their partner in the way of their blueprint. So they often feel really hungry.

They,  the shadow side is that they can get bored because they. They always want more. Like I know I meet a true shape shifter when they're like, oh, well we made love for like four hours and then we took a break. And I mean, I just don't know. I just need, I just, I needed another session and they were done and, and so when someone wants more and wants more and wants more, I often will go through and take a look at what, are all of their blueprints getting fed.

Cause that can sometimes be a shapeshifter shadow. And sometimes it's hard with the shapeshifter if you're in a partnership because they, they do want more and not all of their bl other blueprints have that access to be able to meet them. . So listening to you describe the blueprints and like how they move through 'em just sounds like we can  have several blueprints at one time.

Are , we can,  kind of shift through them  at a time. Do you find that,  true for most people? Yeah, I feel like everyone has access. Like if we look at this through the lens of archetype, , these are your erotic archetypes. So we have all of them. It's just mm-hmm. , which one is leading, which one are you most resonant with?

And then are you willing to do the work to expand, to include and get to know the other parts of you? And that's really the, the, the deep dives that we can do together is to dive into,  . Let's see. Essential shadow might be, I don't like any of the fluids. Like as soon as we're done, I need to get in the shower and totally clean up.

I don't want fluids. I, the, the smells, the smells of sex. Mm-hmm. , which for someone else might be such a turn on. So, so just showing you different places that, oh, that, that could be e sensual shadow. So like what could we do around working on that to expand? Erotic capacity. No, I like that. Erotic capacity.

What a, that's a nice word. Yeah.  Yeah. Yeah.  So what is sacred sexuality to you, Gina? It's a loaded question. To me. Everything is sacred, so anytime you're having sex, it's sacred. In my book, I think there's a, yeah, I think there's a spectrum. I think that. You could have Beautiful, because we're sacred to meet.

Every time we're having sex or just in our erotic pleasure is really just all the time we are, we are in sacred sex, we're having sacred sex. But you can ritualize it, you can ceremony it, you can bring in deep intention. There's lots of traditions that have different positions that can bring in different things.

And so to me, I'd, I'd actually rather ask the human. What is sacred sexuality to you? How would you make this feel? Be more intentional for your, your sacredness. Right? I can't really tell someone what sacred sexuality is for them because I don't know what they find to be sacred or meaningful, right? So the question is, okay, what would I like to do to make.

Sacred, you know, and there's so many different ways. There's so many different things. Often I see this coming in through the sensual, energetic, and sensual blueprint because it is often like candles, intention, breath together,  journaling exercises, eye gazing before, you know, it's like a whole beautiful buffet of an evening creating.

Sacred intention as you come into union with each other and that's gorgeous. I wanna, I wanna say that if someone meets someone in a bar and goes in the bathroom and has sex with them, that's not any less sacred cuz we're sec, we're sacred beings and you can feel the difference. And maybe even judgment of like, well, first of all, who's gonna do that?

Right. Doing like, listen stuff right now. Listen to yourself right now. Right. What are you becoming, what's happening to inner inner critic with ? You know what I mean? And why Yeah. Know  and, and even Are you appalled that I would say that sex in a bathroom was someone you just met could be sacred, right?

Like those are the most beautiful, beautiful places to really open the little doors and be like, wow. That's not right in my world. And can you take a deep breath and be like, I'm so curious. I wonder why I would think that's not sacred. Mm-hmm. . Right? And that's a beautiful space because on the other side of the spectrum is, oh, okay.

I don't think that's sacred for me, but I would think this is sacred. Can you start there? And then do just a little bit more work on what is sacred, like why would it not be sacred? And that this comes into beliefs. So many beliefs of, well, you're not clean or you haven't bathed, or, you know, there's so many beautiful wisdom traditions that have protocols for sacred sex and ways in which you show up to the temple, ways in which you honor the goddess, or you honor your bodies.

You honor yourselves together. That is beautiful. If you are into that, then go into your wisdom tradition and you find what are the ways in which this tradition. Makes love and finds union and brings it into ceremony. I love that, ma'am. We can go into each little rabbit hole with each one. Gina, I appreciate your perspective.

That's why I wanted you on here because to me, your perspective  is so much more open,  and explorative. And I love that you opened up my world a few years ago of like, Hey, pay attention to this. Explore this piece of yourself. So I always appreciate that. So I wanna thank you for that. I just want, I hope everyone took a little bit aha moments.

Through some of this like I did today with some of the blueprints and the exploration of that. So I appreciate you coming on. Thank you for being here. If you wanna connect with Gina, you can connect with her at her Become our friends on social media. And don't forget, we have,  amazing metaphysical products and services on both of our.

So connect with us. If you liked this podcast, do a coffee or Venmo a FrieNDA so we can continue to do this. And I have a feeling that Gina's gonna be on here again of us exploring some of these other rabbit holes with sexuality and giving yourself permission to be that beautiful  snowflake of expression with your sexuality.

And just a reminder that a sexual embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer. So namaste everyone. Thank you. So good. Thank you. Bye-bye