Altered Haven's Mystical Musings

Samhain and its roots in Halloween and why goes the Veil thin at this time

• Trina Zaragoza • Season 2 • Episode 10

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Explore the history of Halloween and its roots in Samhain with your host, Trina Zaragoza, psychic, medium, and registered nurse. We will adventure through Halloween's history and why trick or treating started. Learn why the veil is thinning and ways you can embrace and explore the energy at this time. Let's have some spooky fun together! 👻

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Welcome to Mystical Museum's podcast with your host, me Trina Zaragoza a psychic, medium, and registered nurse. Today we're gonna talk about Samhain and its roots in Halloween. And why is the veil thinning right now?

 So let's first dive into what is this veil that we hear everyone talking about? What is this thin veil? Why is it thinning and why does it happen at this time? All the time? And what exactly is it? Well, between our world and the spirit world, there is something known as liminal space and the world liminal.

 Stems from the Lantin. Liman meaning threshold. A liminal space is a time between what was and next, and is a place of transition and a time of waiting and not knowing the future. Liminal space demos a time between the physical world and the spiritual world. This is what we call the veil, and from the end of October, through the beginning of November, the day surrounding Halloween and saw when this veil is.

 Thinnest, making it the easiest time to connect to spirit. Veils are also the thinnest in places where ecosystems,  elements like earth, water, air, and fire. Meet this in colu sites like waterfalls, Earth and water and volcanoes, inner fire and outer Earth. And there are places in the world where the veil is always thin, make it easier to connect with the spirit world.

 The year round, larger areas where the veils lifted are even non-existent, are known as work Texas. Some of these places may sound familiar, like Sedona and Arizona, Ayers Rock in Australia, and Stone Hedge in England. These are just to name a few also, where there's lay lines, a grid of the planet's, magnetic fields.

 There are not only places, but spaces and time where your own personal veils lifted, allowing you to connect with the spirit world or instance when you're alone and having a quiet. When you're in your own element of near water, et cetera, and for some while running swimming, meditation, or even in the moments between awake and asleep or vice versa, the time of day also connects to a lifted veil, Dawn and dusk.

 The liminal space between night and day. There are times during the year when you celebrate your spiritual connections like Halloween. It's all of these moments that your intuition can be heightened and your connections can come easier. So we need to ask ourselves why does it thin it represents a transition or a doorway?

 It is the space and time between summer and winter. It's the dying of the season. The trees are going dormant and the harvest is behind them. As the days begin to get shorter and the night stretch longer, as above the ground, the world begins to die back to its roots. The hidden realities rise to the surface.

 It's the lost memories, the forgotten dreams, the realms of the spirits, that stream of energy that runs beneath all things. In autumn, we have the ability to connect to a realm of reality that we normally do not touch or experience. The veil is where you meet your loved ones, your guides, your angels. It is the place between the worlds of the scene and unseen known and unknown living and spirit.

 This means spirits can easily cross between realms and enter our world. This is the optimum time to connect with Spirit, to speak to your ancestors and connect with those ones that have crossed over. Now let's talk about samhain and the roots. In Halloween from the ancient Kes, there were only two season.

 Summer and winter samhain translates to summers in and the sunset of the year in October, much like a sunrise or sunset. It is as if we are in two worlds at once. The world of light and the world of darkness. Sal Wind represented the last of the harvest and the beginning of the new year. It is the space and time between summer and winter and the time of.

 Although we celebrate both Halloween and samhain and the days between October and November, you may feel it thinning now as early as September. After all. September is Virgo season. The sign of the harvest made in Halloween has its root. In this ancient Celtic world carving pumpkins, which were originally turnups wearing costumes and coning spirits of the departed are just a few of the activities that have origins in samhain.

 samhain is Celtic or Gaelic Festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of darker half of the year. It falls on October 31st, beginning at Sunset, and continuing until November. All Saints Day, approximately halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. Sal Win is one of the four primary Celtic seasonal festivals.

 Beltane May 1st marks the livestock being driven to their summer grazing fields, and samhain marks the time the catalog brought in from the field and sever was slaughtered for food for the winter. There is evidence that Sal win has been an important celebration. Ancient pines. The mound of hostages and neolithic passage.

 Tomb of the hill of Tara is aligned with samhain's sunrise samhain is mentioned. Some ancient Irish literature dating back to the 10th century. Many important events in Celtic mythology begin in occur near the time samhain, and on the night of October 31st, they believe that the ghost to the dead return to earth.

 Some spirits were troublemakers and they believe they could cause trouble and damage crops. Also, they believe that the presence of the other worldly spirit. Made it easier for the druids or Celtic priests to make predictions about the future through communication. The druids built huge sacred bonfires where the people gathered to burn crops and did some animal sacrifices to the Celtic deities

 during the celebration, the Celts were costumes typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and they told each other their, or. The fire symbolizes the warmth and light of the sun, and the people would take the bonfire's flame back to their homes to light their homestead. Fire for a communal one, cementing their reliance on each other.


They also believe to have protective and cleansing powers from this fire. And at samhain in particular, during the shortening Ner days, the bonfire mimic the sun, feeling growth and holding back the darkness by 43 ad. The Roman Empire had conquered most of the Celtic territory, and during the 400 years they ruled the Celtic lands.

 Two festivals of war, Roman origin were combined with the traditional Celtic celebration of SA went. The first was Fair, Ella a day in late October, where the Romans traditionally honored the passing of the debt. The second was the day to honor Amona that got us of fruit and. The symbol of home is the apple and the incorporation of the celebration in test Saan explains the tradition of bobbing for apples.

 Now let's talk about samhain rituals and how they're incorporated into Halloween. Well, in their household gatherings in the ancient Celtic world, rituals were believed to tell the fate of the gathered celebr. Particularly regarding marriage and death. Apples associated with the spirits and the mortality and hazelnuts were associated with divine wisdom and were often used in these little ticks and rituals.

 Apples. Like I said, was about other world and immortality. They were involved in a few traditions such as apple bobbing and a similar game involving a revolving stick with an apple and candle attached. The celebration of Halloween was extremely limited in co New England because of the rigid Protestant belief systems there.

 Halloween was much more common in Maryland and the southern colon. As a belief in customs of different European ethic groups and American Indians kind of meshed. A distinctly American version of Halloween began to emerge. The first celebrations included play parties, which were public events held to celebrate the harvest.

Neighbors were share stories of the dead, tell their fortunes and dance and sing the night away. Millennial Halloween festivals also featured the telling of ghost stories and mischief making of all. By the middle of the 19th century, an annual autumn celebration was common, but Halloween was not yet celebrated everywhere in the country.

 It wasn't until the second part of the 19th century America's was flooded with new immigrants, especially the millions of Irish fleeing the Irish potato Fanin. It helped to ize the celebration of h. Nationally. Now let's talk about the history of tricker treating. Tricker Treating has its origins in the old way of Sal wind.

 People used to go from house to house, dressed up as the impish spirits that emerged to the thin veil asking for food. They lit their way with a carved turn up, are wonderfully named mogul wool, a type of beat route that had been hollowed out with a lit candle inside and was used as a lantern. When the parade around the town was done, it was set on the window sills to ward off evil spirit.

 Where does a trick part come in? The trick or tree come from young women believe that on Halloween they could divine the name or their appearance of their future husband by doing tricks with yarn. And apple pairings are mirror apples will pur with one long pill being tossed over the shoulder. The shape of the pill formed was said to be the first initial of their future spouse's.

 Apple Bobbing, The first successful Apple, Bobber would be the first one down the aisle. I bet you you have a different look at Apple Bobbing now. Huh? Hazelnuts were also a significant food that was related to divine wisdom. They took two hazelnuts roasted on the fire. One for the person roasting them and one for the person they desired.

 If the roasting nuts jumped away from each other, it was a believe to be a bad match. Another tale had it if a young woman ate a sugary concoction made out of walnuts. Hazel nuts and net mug Before bed at Halloween night, she would dream about her future husband. They would also learn about their futures by peering at an egg yolk in a bowl of water, standing in front of mirrors in a darkened room, holding candles and looking over their shoulder for their husband's faces.

 Small items were hidden in food, especially a fruit bread. Farm rack upon eating. If you found one piece of eating your cake and that trick fold told your future. For example, a ring ment marriage and a coin meant wealth. These practices merged in today's trick or treating tradition when it came to America.

 Today's turnips have been replaced by pumpkins. The carved Gords are now in the houses that have treats for today's mischievous spirits, dressed as anything from Spider-Man to unicorn. And how is this connecting with the spirit? As Salwen is believed that the veil between the physical world and the spiritual or other world is at its sins.

 This means spirits can easily cross between the realms and enter our world. This means all spirits from across the.  and not just loved ones come through. They believed they needed to please the spirits to ensure their population and livestock were not gonna die during the harsh winter. Food and drink were often left out for the fairies, and occasionally an animal was sacrificed to appease the spirits.

 Relatives and friends who have passed that year were invited to share in the party, and the food was left around in case they were passing through. It is the time of honoring the dead, a time of celebrating life and death and the link between the two. A lot of homes would hang up, Rosemary, cuz it's the herb of a remembrance.

 It would be displayed rafting. Its remembrance sent out to call the spirits of the loved one fourth into the home, and there's other celebrations that correlate with this. The Mexican celebration of Dia death is observed on November 1st and second. It's a prime example, desire to honor and recognize the souls of those who passed on.

They believed to visit their earthly. Don't forget about all Saint Stays. It's celebrated on November 2nd. By the 19th century, the influence of Christianity has spread into Celtic glands, where it gradually blended with the older Celtic rights. In 1000 ad, the church made November 2nd, All Saints Day a day to honor that dead.

 It's widely believed today that the church was attempting to replace the Celtic Festival of the Dead with a related church sanctioned holiday. So how can you connect to Halloween and embrace the magic test, The time of magic, of releasing the old and planning the new, the magic of finding brave new directions.

 The magic of connecting with your ancestors, your loved ones who have passed, and all the invisible currents of energy running through the earth and autumn, everything you've been working on comes to full harvest, and a powerful transformation tends to occur at the first frost settles. Autumn is a gift that completes a cycle so a whole new period can begin.

 First. Remember, protection is vital. During this time. It's able to give you the opportunity to explore and take the time to learn how to ground yourself as well. Protect yourself. Not all veils and vortexes are energetically pure. The overall veil over our existence at this time is lifting and more people are born with sensitivities and connections to the other side.

 The more the world is filled with sensitive, gifted people, the more they can use these gift to correct a better world for us and the closer to spirit we will be. And so here are some ways you can connect during this time. Dream space has two different. Stay conscious as you drift off to sleep. The time between waking and sleep is your personal thinning of the veil.

 It's that personal liminal space. Try this and get into bed with the intention of staying conscious as much as you can during the process of dripping off to sleep. The more you do this, the more you'll get a hang of this. You will find that you can direct your dreaming mind and enter the luminal dreaming world with intentions and purpose.

 This can come in handy. For example, you bend landlock and you want to visit the seaside. You would like to get some advice from a spirit guide, our guardian angel. Or you wanna make contact with the loved one that has transitioned to the other side. So just be patient in practice. This takes time to develop.

 Also, try to connect during your dreams. During October, get into bed to connect and drift off to sleep. Think of some advice from a spirit garden and ging angel that you want to connect with. The loved one that has transitioned to the other side and just asked to see them and see what dreams happen.

 There's other ways too. Now remember I was talking about protection. You sage to. Cleanse your area. Inhale the smell of sage three times. Take three deep breaths to center yourself and allow the sense of calmness to wash over you. Sage, aids and healing from grief and helps to increase wisdom and helps you build an emotional strength.

 Open up those doors and windows. Allow the old energy out in the new energy and waf that smoke around you. And then move to each room of your home. Allow the smoke to move through your. You do so with this set intention to release anything that is not serving you and choose a mantra like, I release the thoughts that are no longer serving me from creating my highest potential.

I call an abundance and positivity into this new journey ahead and enjoy. Cleanse it. It's like a deep scrub with bleat. You wanna take a cleansing bath or shower? Water is so incredibly powerful when you use the benefits. It helps you bring in the centering and balancing. Take that time to relax, meditate, focus on the releasing and the negative energy from your space, and imagine letting go with no longer serving you and having it go down the drain.

 Have fun with it. Make it a beautiful thing with candles, Herb. Smoke what music, whatever it looks like. Have fun with those baths. Enjoy it. My next favorite one is go outside at sunrise or sunset. This is liminal space time. Every day, there's two moments when the veil is the thinness. Sunrise and sunset, and especially in October the year, this veil is thin.

 Everything lifts us a win, and sunrise and sunset are powerful portals that you can enter the space between world. If you look at a lot of ceremonies and rituals, you'll see them scheduled around this time because of that. When I'm doing any time of setting intentions or calling things for, I'm gonna do it at sunrise and sunset because I know that.

 Center and that energy's gonna be able to move and not be restricted as much. In other ways, honor your ancestors. Look at those photos, connect with them, do a practice that's leading up to this time. Many magical spiritual people enjoy creating altars to the beloved ones that have passed on at this time.

 Just by simply looking at photos. It helps engage them. It helps bring up the memories even. Sad that because you love them and you miss them, honor them cuz they're a part of you. They're a part of who you are. It helps you connect to spirit and it helps you appreciate the life that you have. Now that you're in this present moment of this gift of walking on this journey right now, now this next one, you can use it two ways.

 You can use it to help you sensitize to the energy or desensitized depending on how sensitive you are, and it's working with crystal. There's some crystals that will help you, sensitize you to the thinning of this veil. Ones to protect is black turine, smokey quarts, hematite. You can use those to kind of help you with the energy that's going on.

 Ones to help you connect is Opal October's Birthstone. Opal's a great one for that high vibrational energy. It amplifies its powers. There's lab to Right and Moonstone can also help you make contact to the other side. Don't forget to cleanse those crystals and set the intention to become more aware and to the open of the portals between the worlds.

 Switch to your left hand as you breathe, relax, and make contact with the realm of the unseen. Mistress and magical, keep your crystal with you during the day and hold it in your left hand as you drift off to sleep. Happy, crystal crying. Next, spend time in the cemetery. I can tell you one of my favorite childhood things was my mom would take me to lunch in Central City's old cemetery, and I remember I just loved it.

 cemeteries are literally created with the intention to make that connection to the, the realm of the living and the realm of the dead so we can remember and to honor him. And as you feel it, it becomes one of our places here on earth for a reason. At any time of year, taking a mindful walk through a cemetery, we'll open up your senses to the world beyond this physical.

 You can feel it. You can feel it. The intensity there. Next one, read poetry. Not all poetry will sensitize you to the thinning veil, but poetry that makes you feel things is the mystery of time and existence that will help you connect. Poetry bridges the world. It's a written in human language, but it also connects and transcends the nature of the language pointing to the timeless the birthless death.

 And the eternal naturally, this will be different to everyone, but for. Poetry like Rumi, Angelo, or Lord Byron can help you connect to that other world. So use poetry, words have power. Another way you can do this is communicate with plants, animals, and trees. Trees have consciousness. These plants have consciousness and connecting with them, it helps you open up to this portal of the world, try different practices to synthesize you to the thinning of the.

 Sit with the plant, sit with the tree, and see what it has to say. Another ones that are really sensitive at this time are animals. You can sit with your cat or your dog or talk to crow. Simply think about connecting to that energy and see that communication form in your head. While mainstream culture assumes and implies that animals are lesser beings of lesser importance, 

 this is far from the spiritual truth. Animals can sense spirits, use them to help sense the energy around them. Well, I hope you learn some history of Halloween while this veil is thinning and other ways that you can connect to Samhein. And the energies around you at this time, and I wanna thank you for joining me today.

 Connect with me on social media or at my and set up an appointment. If you wanna learn about your personal power and intuition, come connect with me, and I wanna leave you with a little tidbit. That spirit gave me. The echoes of summer. Hang in the air. The amber canopy with golden.

 Falls to the ground. Vibrancy and light dim waft us into the shadows in time to embrace the magic calling us. forth, Winter's Chili Kiss will be upon us and solitude around us. May your autumn be blessed and have a very fun, spooky Halloween. Do you hear the spirits calling? Leave alike and subscribe.