Altered Haven's Mystical Musings

06-06-2022 Portal Podcast Embracing Your Shadows Gifts

• Trina Zaragoza • Season 2 • Episode 8

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Explore the energy and information on June 06-06-2022 portal energy and how you can use this energy to build new foundations in your life and journey work. We will see why the energy is unfolding on the planet right now and what ways you can bring in support from yourself and others. Finally, we will end with embracing your shadow and transformation guided by me, your host, Trina Zaragoza Psychic, and energy healer.

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Welcome to mystical museum's podcast, where we connect you to spirit and give you different perspectives. Today, we're going to explore the energy and information on June oh 6 0 6, 20 22 portal, and how you can use this energy to work with the shadow piece and bring in coherence with your spirit. We will end with the shadow walkie meditation that you can do at any time to explore the shadow pieces.

This was all guided by me. Your host Trina's Aira Goza psychic and energy healer. This message was intense. Around what we just experienced with the lunar eclipse and the coming oh 6 0 6 20 22 portal around the corner. The energy is intense and it's dense right now in a way we have never experience.

Massive transformation is going on everywhere. That is unifying. And as we have been seen with his last lunar eclipse, the shadow is amplified and shedding and shining the light into the pieces. We need to alchemize and change. If you track solar flares, you can see a huge increase almost daily. And for those of you connected to the sun energy and know and understand why and how we utilize its energy, the sun can be a whole other episode.

This is no Quincy. Of what has been going on universally. This is just not for the community awareness, but for our own personal awareness, sloughing off layers that no longer serve or the parts that need to be healed or be are being highlighted. I think it's easy to get lost in the transformation that is going on around us, but where we really need to focus on is our energy within us.

When we work on our own inner healing, then that ripples out into the space and into time, it's a harmonic balancing with the cosmos that we need to work more with. This will help raise your vibration and also the timeline of energy. This will affect the reality around you and give you a higher perception of this reality.

Now, if you had been voiding doing this work or this inner transformation and focusing. All the outside noise and have been numbing yourself and avoiding well, the universe is literally going to be doing a wake-up call, right, right. With you right now where you won't have a choice, but to look at the shadow piece, you can not ignore it anymore.

And what is the shadow? It is everything within ourselves. That we're not willing to look at that you don't want to look at with yourself, what you don't like. It's everything we stuffed down that emotions that we don't want to feel. It's the pattern of choices like men that we'd like, that don't see our value or the negative thought loops that you do with yourself.

It also looks like the triggers and reactions to certain things, people or situations. The shadow is very complex. It is very late. We think of the shadows, only the negative aspects and parts of ourselves. When in fact it is the beautiful gifts that we don't let come forth, that we don't let shine examples.

Some of you may be a natural born writer, but you refuse to put that workout, your artwork, your writing, your singing, your voice. Those gifts, your connection to people. We have beautiful gifts of spirit gives us, and we tend to hold those back. It can also be the ancestor programming from our limiting beliefs, trauma, and expectations that we also carry in our DNA.

This can even be the unhealed pieces too, from past lives. And this is one reason why I do so much past life work. We can carry those experiences back into this lifetime. If we haven't healed it from the last time. And then it comes up to say, Hey, look at me. This needs to be healed. This is a repeating pattern or lesson that you keep doing through your lifetime.

Let's master this lesson and get through it. We also carry the experiences of our childhood, teen years and adult life. Do you see all these layers that are forming? That is our shadow. Some people just think this shadows is like this one depth and thing. So in complex and intertwined and stuff, but it is such an integral part of us that we need to work on acknowledge.

That's the biggest thing, acknowledge and shift through. You heard me mentioned timelines earlier and not to go into too much depth, but we are having timelines merged with the past present and future interacting simultaneously. Right now they showed we are being fractured out in our experience. And this can be overwhelming, honestly, just to take in and to even think about my conversation was with my guides were literally, you're asking me right now, right?

As always, they respond with a gentle laugh, but a reminder that infinite timelines are merging now. And it's important for us to really raise our vibration and frequency right now during this time, so that we don't get lost in the undertow of this emergence. And this can be affecting you in so many ways.

It can be affecting you with anxiety, insomnia, new fears, old traumas, re-emerging anger, new possibilities, even opening up to you, the endings of relationships or jobs that could be happy. You can be feeling loneliness and sadness. And it's so complex right now that some of you guys don't even know why you're feeling the way that you're feeling.

And the biggest piece is because they're making sure we have a mirror right in front of you. That we can no longer look away from that. We have to take accountability and responsibility of our energetic space here. And now the energy that we put out there that we have to look at, and I'm going to tell you, I do a lot of energy work.

I meditate every day. I do sound frequency lights. I work with structured water. I work with balancing and even I am feeling overwhelmed. So I can't imagine what someone is feeling that is not working in the energetic space. That has not doing some of those balancing of the harmonic energy within yourself.

And know this is all suppressing your higher self-expression and lot not letting you be that full potential, that full, authentic self that is supposed to be. And I'm telling you, this is supposed to be unfolding when they gave me a timeline. Cause I always ask, well, how long has this going to last? Like, what is the expectation or timeline?

I never get an exact date. They give me estimates because everything is fluid. Everything is flexible. Things can shift and change depending on people's energy, not only your personal free will, but the collective free. Well, that all has an influence. But the estimated time they gave me was about one and a half to two years that this unbelievable transformation's going to be taking place.

And it may even feel like things are imploding in your life and on yourself, but really what is happening is the old identity of who am I. Is being let go of, so a new one can be birthed into its place. And if you have any of these things happening right now know that you're going through an alchemy process of change to be birthed into something new, how beautiful is that we're being birthed into something new?

I didn't say it was an easy birth. It looks like a very complex and really difficult birth for some of us, but that's where we're moving into that new place, that new energy. And when we carry certain limiting. And we hold on to that belief, regardless if it's true or not, we don't move our thoughts away from those limiting beliefs.

And it suppresses who we truly are when we feel we're being triggered by someone or something. This is a mirror that the shadow piece within is to make us ask why does this irritate me? So why am I having this reaction to this? And this can look like jealousy. It can look like looking to others for validation.

It could be looking at others to find the answers. For you versus within yourself? No, this is not a one and done thing. When working with the shadow and ego, it is literally in layers throughout our lifetime. And we just discussed some of the little bit of layers that it looks like. And when I hear others say, well, I've done my show.

I literally started giggling inside because I know it's an ever evolving process that keeps going deeper and deeper and deeper layers with it. The first time is the awakening. It's the aha moments of knowing that you are more. Physical form. The second piece is moving into the dark night of the soul, where your beliefs and perception of what you thought you knew shifts into a new version.

And this can be feeling like your whole life got turned upside down. Everything that you knew, everything that you believe gets switched and totally revamped in a whole different. And the shift is like your thoughts, your beliefs, your energy, your vibration, it's layers and layers. But I promise when you start shifting through these layers, the universe answers back in amazing ways.

Think of the healing or this process. Like a swirl symbol that moves in and you start at one point of the lessons, wisdom and healing. And when you're ready to go deeper, part of the lesson comes up later in your journey that goes and moves in deeper, but it's still the same lesson, but it's a different perspective of that lesson.

It's a different way of understanding. And the best way I can give an example is one that I experienced, you know, I carry a abandonment is a huge contract for my. And it was always the lessons of where people I felt have abandoned me, whether it was intentional or not. But then the other deeper part of that layer was have to look at the parts when I abandoned others, because I ha and whether that was intentional or not either.

And when you see those deeper layers and have to take and look it at it from a different way of how this lesson speaks to you and your soul right now, that's that work. That's moving into the layers of that shadow piece. I get it, look at it. The darker pieces means taking responsibility for our actions and what we put out there, energetically ourselves, and look at the ways people avoid the shadow piece through drugs, alcohol, TV, games, shopping, eating over exercising, staying busy, you know, those busy, busy bees that just can't sit still, or they can't sit still for a reason because in the silences of the thoughts, it's the feelings.

It's all of those things. That is a distraction, modality. Anything that distracts you from your feelings, your thoughts, that is something to take a look at and why you're doing it. Sometimes we need extra support when we're navigating these shadow pieces with mental and emotional support to help us process and identify what we're truly feeling or avoiding counseling is such an amazing tool to help you on earth.

These pieces it's about becoming the observer with yourself. So that we can truly see what is unfolding or presenting within it's the embodiment of stepping back and seeing that the human self is reacting from what place could it be? Trauma fear, limiting beliefs, lack of self love and accept.

Generational past life holding onto an, a certain identity of self or persona. When I say counseling, people always think like, oh, something's wrong with me? It's a tool. They're there to be a mediator to help you. And to guide you to shift through these things, because we haven't been taught this in our society.

We haven't been taught how to express her emotions. We haven't been taught to even acknowledge our emotions. We tell we've been told to suck it up. Don't cry. Don't be a baby. I'll give you something to cry about. We've been literally told to suppress those pieces of. And when we have a mentor or counselor or whoever can do that for you, it helps you give you those tools to express that and acknowledge it and move it into a different way.

It helps give us a different perspective and helps us release and acknowledge what may we may not even be able to identify, or we don't even. And if one person doesn't work out, don't give up, find that perfect fit. Find that perfect one. Just like we didn't all have the best teachers. Well, it's the same with doctors therapists, all that keep looking until you find that one that fits for you.

And I say, call in your house. The spirit calling your angels, your guides, and tell them, guide me to the right choice for this healing. Guide me to the one to help me have a new perspective. And they will, will guide you exactly to where you need to go. It will pop up on you. I literally loved playing this game with spirit.

When I ask when I'm watching things on YouTube or anything. Okay. What do I need to learn about what is the next piece that I need to start to deviling into and sure. This odd little video or something will be coming up and I'm like, oh, there we go. We have those resources, ask them, they're here to guide us.

And I'm asking you to kind of step out of this comfort zone that we've been in. And look at all those little triggers. You are having an emotional reaction to in your life. These vary from person to person and can be internal or external. Examples can be someone's comment, a social posts, the way someone is dressed, places, smell.

People things about yourself that you yourself avoid and don't get angry when someone mentioned. Are you getting angry when someone mentions it about you and so on, those are ideas of triggers and triggers can go. So in-depth in so many layers. And so things that cause unsettling feelings with you, it causes those feelings of, oh, I'm not enough or anger or are any of those spiraling things that we tend to do.

These are the pieces. I want you to really sit down and start recognizing these are happening. And these are the questions of like, okay, where do I start exploring? And I want you to ask these questions to yourself. Why am I having this feeling? Why am I getting so upset when someone does. Why is this emotion difficult for me to feel or express?

Is this my anxiety connected to something I'm not acknowledging within? Why am I avoiding this conversation with this person? And what am I putting off and why? And I'll give you an example of something with this. With me, I was on a customer service call where I had a complaint with someone and this person was really triggering me horrifically, and I could feel that.

Getting angry. I can feel my voice tone starting to rise, literally where I wanted to cuss at this person. And if anyone knows me, this is out of my character. I don't like that. And I really had to take a minute and listen to how this person was talking to me for one, that was one of the triggers. Second, the words that they were using was a second trigger.

And I had to ask myself, is this something that it's happening right here now? Or they reminded me of something in my. And once I was able to take a few deep breaths and said, and tell this person pleased, you're not listening to me. These are the words that I'm saying with you and finally get to a place of resolution with it.

And it wasn't until after the phone call that I sat with these pieces that I realized it wasn't yes, their communication was very poor. Trust me, but that, wasn't why I was being triggered so much. The reason I was being triggered so much is because it reminded me something in my childhood of not being heard, not being.

Certain words being used with me when I was trying to communicate my needs or my feelings and it being dismissed. And so that's the piece I had to acknowledge within myself. Oh, I still carry this. I still carry when someone says these certain words or acts in a certain way to me, I respond in this anger hurt space.

And that was something I'd been working on in healing. I know that probably wasn't that other person's intention to cause that do they need more training on communication? Absolutely. But what I needed more training on was within myself, was working through that. So when it presents itself again, I don't have that same reaction and that's the shadow piece.

It seems so simple, but it's actually really in depth that I had to sit down and really sit and do some reflection. Where is this coming from? And other ways to ID this is journaling. Write it out. Sometimes when we write our brain goes to another place and is helping us see things that we didn't even realize.

Is there another one that I love to do for myself? And it's so funny. Cause people are like, who are you talking to in the shower? And I'm like, it's me. I'm talking to me. I like to talk out loud. Talk to yourself about what is going on with your family. And you'll be really surprised to be able to ID what you're actually feeling.

There may be pieces in there, like, oh my gosh, I didn't see that before, because now that I set it out loud and I heard it, I receive it differently. And you can see a lot of different things. So journaling and talking to now out loud is a great way. And just taking notes as something that is bothering you, write it down.

And the first thing that comes up and don't judge it, go into the observer. The deeper we, we can go and get down to that cellular memory of your blueprint. That is the full of the distortions and blocks that we carry that keeps the light from coming in. It keeps that authentic self from really shining through.

So let's start removing these blocks. Let's start going into that self reflection. And this process is now. Ever to make you feel shame or guilt about yourself. It's just about acknowledging that there is something there that you haven't been taught that, like I said, we've lived in a society that teaches us to keep things bottled up.

It encourages these distractions from emotions, but unfortunately right now the universe is saying. These ways need to be let go of and embracing ourselves with grace self-care and self-love, it's no longer letting us do this because that's why everything is going on right now. We tend to strive for protection and beat ourselves up when we are not perfect.

Well, I'm going to tell you something that some of you may not like to hear, but the universe thrives on. Uh, thrives on chaos creation and possibilities. Um, both ends. There is no perfection in any of it. Only a beautiful mix of possibilities to emerge. The universe is here to learn all different facets of itself.

And guess what that means. That means us as well to learn all different facets of emotions, thoughts, experiences, and connections. That's why we're here. That is our true meaning is to go through all this. When we tend to look to others, to validate us, or to give us the answers you're giving away your power.

And I know some of you are thinking, but wait, Trina people come to you forever. Well, I don't give the answers, but what I do is guide to the choices and ways to empower yourself by working on your limiting thoughts, your energy, body, and self care and self love. You get homework and accountability. When you come to me, which is not always fun.

And I never ever, ever give homework. I haven't done myself or continuing to do. I'm always working on some piece of the shadow. Trust me, I'm in those deep layers with you, any mentor or spirit guide I work with shows me what direction to look, but does not give me the answer to how this is all within me to navigate and find there is nobody that will save me and do the work.

I'm only the one who can do it for myself. And so why is this coming on? Part of this 6, 6, 20, 22 portal. We can't move into this higher realm with the baggage in tow. We have to let things go. That is suppressing our true growth in life. And that looks like the jobs that we've been staying stuck in that keep us lower simmer relationships that are don't help us grow our health or our diet and our exercise and movement through our home environment, spiritual beliefs.

Society beliefs and morals and so on and so on and so on. So these are all the pieces that we're being asked to shift and transform through. Man, is it a lot I can tell you. I know it feels like it, and I'm telling you earth is the AP of soul evolution and growth. It is the toughest and fastest way to grow your spiritual experience.

Every single aspect of your life is a learning piece for yourself. Our true nature is frequency, magnetism, and vibration with the emotions, being a catalyst for this growth, our emotions and thoughts are considered two of the most important pieces of our soul's evolution and reaching our higher self-expression the integration of all these aspects of us brings this into balance.

So that's why it's so important to work on our emotions and our thoughts. And then the time for this homework piece is looking and using all these triggers, what's going on on the outside world to show us what we need to shift in these shadows. We are their curator of the life. So let's go deep and explore.

So your garden thrives in abundance, prosperity possibilities, and not in lack. It's time to look at the old version of yourself and transform it to the 2.0 2022. I remember we are energy. We are curration when the light gets filtered through your energy bodies, through the ORIC field and your shockers, it becomes your feedback loop and it's expressed out into your experience.

And if you're not keeping this filtration system clean, Then you're going to get desperate bunnies of lower dense energy in your life. In your experience, lower vibrational, thoughts, feelings, energy, you are literally losing life force energy by having these blocks. That's why the shadow and energy work is essential to the growth you want to experience and move into our egos likes to reinforce this lower animal.

Versions of herself. It likes to feed our fears, our limiting beliefs, and the idea that we're not these higher vibrations, sacred beings of light. If you can see the way I see energy, you would never question how sacred your life. It's time to shift this power. We give our ego. If you feel the earth is dark and evil, we will experience it.

That it's dark and evil. But if you start to change to the world is beautiful and full of possibilities, and that will be answered as well. And I know it's kind of hard to have that, oh, the world is beautiful right now, but it definitely still has some very beautiful. Aspects to it, you know, go out outside.

And if it's all you can focus is on, is how beautiful nature is the sound of the birds, the feeling of the trees. Then that's what you focus on. Find the good stories, find the stories of connection of from being expressed out into it. I find all those pieces of that beauty out there. Cause it is don't focus just on the negative that is going on.

Everything we go through is teaching tool. Everything that we experience is there for a reason and a purpose. So I'm going to encourage you to make this shadow work as a teaching tool for you to grow and evolve. Step into that acceptance of your higher possibilities of energy aliens and solar flashes will not do this transformation only yourself.

And I want you to start asking the main question. Why, why do I feel like this? Where is this coming from? Sit with it. And if it brings up too much trauma or for brings up other things, get some sources of resources to help bring in support. So you can still shift it and not just ignore it and shove it down.

Cause I'm telling you right now, it's like, imagine the best way that my guides described it as like. When you pull a plant from the ground and it has that dirt all stuck all over the roots. Well, they want those roots cause they want you to start growing differently. So they're going to shake it. They're going to shake it and get all that dirt and grime off.

Well, that's what we're going through right now. We're going through that shaking process, whether you want to, or not, it's not a choice anymore because it's, it's a universal thing. And so we're wanting to raise the vibration while we're raising the vibration. So let's come ride the tides and not let it take you.

And trust me, the more that you work in, start doing this, the more you start finding the beauty and just small little things. And you can breathe and it doesn't feel so overwhelming and daunting. Cause I know there's even this message with, oh my God, we're going through more transformation and oh my God, we have to go into this deeper layer of the shadow work.

I could tell you, I felt the same way when I received this message of like, and I just breathe in gently went, okay, what is the good parts of this with the good parts is my vibration and frequency will. The good parts is all find deeper and more balanced connections with others. The best part is I'll find a deeper connection within myself.

Wow. What gifts? So this next piece is we're going to do a guided meditation. Please don't do this while you're driving or operating any heavy equipment. Get into a comfortable space and they really wanted more of a meditation versus a ceremony and ritual with this. But you always do what you're guided to.

If you're wanting to do a ceremony and ritual, go develop one for yourself, sit with a candle, Zen to that fire energy of transformation and change, you know, go do some deep breath work in this coded energy that's going to be coming in in this next portal. Cause it's intense. And the more that we work with these frequencies and receive them, the more that we clear that filter of our energetic body.

So then more where that expression of who we really are, the energy and the possibilities that I see if people really start stepping into this, that the frequency and vibration that we can move this planet into will be very healing. And I know it doesn't feel like that because right now we're in that chaos of upheaval of the.

Rooted systems and that's dirty. That's mucky. It's, it's messy, but I'm thankfully able to see the future. What's going to come. If we totally do step into those higher frequency and vibrations for ourselves that we can be in, have that. That we've all kind of wanted and have prayed for let's step in and be that ripple because remembered can't we can't expect everyone else to do it.

We got to do the work with them. And I know you guys can do this, cause I know you guys and you wouldn't even be listening to this. If you weren't one of those ones, if you weren't one of those light seeds here to knack to change, to enact a difference. So I want you to get really comfortable, really relaxed.

And I want you to start pinching in your mind's eye staircase, a beautiful staircase with Polish, beautiful banister running down alongside a deep breech carpet that feels soft to the touch beneath your feet. And I want you to start looking down these stairs and you notice that they're 10 steps leading gently down.

10 steps leading gently down, down, down. These are the steps that will lead you into deep dream time, into deep relaxation for this journey today. And I want you to go ahead and start walking down these steps with me, and I will count them off to you one at a time. And that each step you take, you'll find that you go deeper and deeper and know if you feel here, any outsize noises or interactions, your higher self will always engage what it means to receive, and you will become more and more relaxed as we go down.

So when you're ready to walk down the stairs, I want you to gently place your hand on the banister and begin to slowly descend the staircase. As I count them off from 10 to one 10 deeply relaxed, deeply comfortable, nine deeply relaxed, deeply comfortable, eight more and more relaxed. Seven deeply relaxed, deeply comfortable, six feeling, more relaxation, five more, more relaxed for feeling a deeper sense of relaxation.

Three D first step. To almost at the bottom. Now, just one more step to go one deeper and deeper all the way down. You feel this heaviness of your body and your mind. And as you reach the bottom of the staircase, you let go of the banister and you're letting go of any worries. Any concerns? When you were at standing at the bottom of the steps and you're feeling very comfortable, very relaxed and at peace with the world, you can now allow the stairs and the ordinary everyday world to just fade away

and you go deeper into this comfortable state. Choosing to go relaxed, choosing to go deep with,

and as you look around the space, I want you to notice there's a large, solid Oak door. And at that moment that Oak door is closed, but you know that you can open it and you have the key to this. And you noticed that it's a beautiful, shiny gold key. In your hand, you can feel its weight in the coolness of the metal in the Palm of your hand.

And you really want to go through the door, see if there's what's on the other side, because you know, somehow. It's a wonderful place waiting just for you. It's a place where you feel comfortable and secure and happy.

And now I want you to go ahead and move towards the door and insert the key in and turn it anti-clockwise direction and take hold of the handle with your other hand and open the door. And as you're opening the door, you see this beautiful white light, the widest light you've ever seen. And go ahead and pull it open.

And as you're pulling, you see the light get brighter and brighter and brighter. And I want you to go ahead and step into the doorway. Look down at your feet. And you've just feel the energy change all the way around you. You feel the energy become pure and light and happy. And as the light starts to dim down, you notice you're in this beautiful place and you notice that there's a black obsidian mirror right into this.

And I want you to go ahead and walk towards that mirror and you see yourself reflected, but you see yourself in a way. You have never seen yourself. You see yourself shining so bright and carries as high as vibration in, you know, that you are looking at your higher source energy and you feel nothing but love except.

From this reflection, have you noticed how beautiful you are, notice how sacred you are and you just feel this immense energy of happiness that you're here in printed the smear. And as you look above you, you notice there's this beautiful golden copper pyramid. And this energy is just shining down from you down into the crown of your head, moving all the way through your physical body, to the bottom of your feet.

Okay. And we're going to look into this black mirror, this obsidian mirror, and ask your higher self to show the pieces of your shadow that need to be shifted and transformed. And don't be tied to how it presents, just receive and how it's unfolding. Uh,


and we asked the mirror, what are some of the pieces that we can do for our own self care for our own self-love.

uh, In the mirror starts to dissolve, and it's only the light that is shining down from the pyramid and it changes to this beautiful golden energy and just receive that energy, fill it, moving into the top of your crown showering. You like warm, soft, honey, moving down through the center of your body. Down through your core all the way down your feet, releasing anything that doesn't serve you.

Anything that no longer need your attention. And just to let those go, any cords that may be connected to people, the slide is cutting and shutting off.

And think of an intention of something that you want to bring in. Think of something that you want to change and transform and start bringing in that tension into your minds. And start to see the light start to shift from gold into this beautiful, bright green. As it shielding down through you with this beautiful intention you're setting for yourself, the intention feels like it's embodied into your mind, moving all the way down to the celly or structure.

Just receive this intention, becoming a part of. Becoming part of your energy essence.

and no, that is the intention that you're going to be moving through in the next few months, as you're working on these shadow pieces. No, that you carry this intention now fully embodied into your body and your.

And now your guide say they have a message for you and take a minute just to receive this message and may come as a sound. It may come as a feeling as a symbol, just open up your heart and receive this message from your guides at this time.



uh, And I want you to go ahead and start moving towards that Oak door again and give gratitude for this space, this, this healing space that you came today with the black obsidian mirror in the period made of transformation. And don't worry if you don't remember all of it, when you come back, you can always picture it in your mind's eye.

And do the work again and go to the deepest moments of relaxation through your sleep. And it will give you the answers that your need.

Now, I want you to start bringing your attention back to my voice. I want you to remember you. All you need to do after this session is let your subconscious to the word. It will do the work for you.

Let's go through the heavy doors and back up the steps and you have this beautiful feeling of light that you've been cleanse and you feel this higher vibration through your whole body.

She moved to the stairs. Step one, feeling balanced and safe step to becoming more aware of my voice in this room. Step three. Feeling energized. Step four, becoming more present into your body. Step five, ready to wiggle your fingers and toe steps, six becoming fully present into your body, into your space.

Step seven, becoming completely aware of your room and your. Step eight, ready to open up your eyes. Step nine, feeling more energized and step 10, becoming fully aware and opening your eyes and ready to take a deep breath in and release. Doesn't that feel good? This is a simple and small one of your black up sitting mirror.

And I hope you were able to see some of the shadow pieces that spirit is asking you to start reflecting on and start shifting through. And I hope you received that beautiful message through your spirit guides. And I want to thank you today for joining me. I hope you took away some ways to bring in some support for this 6 0 6.

And that you can work with your shadow self and transfer me. You can connect with me on my and become my friend on social media. I have some amazing metaphysical products and services available at my web store. And if you enjoyed this podcast, you can support us with a coffee or Venmo.

A friend at this allows us to continue to do these podcasts. And just a reminder, when I understood and accepted my own shadow, I was then consumed by my own life. Happy light consuming my little sparks of joy namaste