Altered Haven's Mystical Musings

Virgos Full Moon March 18th 2022

Trina Zaragoza Season 2 Episode 4

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This Virgo Full Moon is on March 18th and leads us into the Spring Equinox and the start of the Astrological New Year for 2022.  This Moon is guiding us to explore our intentions, how does leadership presents in our lives?   With bits of astrology and spiritual messages, we are being encouraged to explore what needs we have that are being not being met and what fears can we let go of.  Let’s go on this journey together to connect to these shadow pieces and move into the flow of the cosmos.

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💚Nationa Board Certified Wellness Coach 🌟Integrative Health Coach
🔮Psychic Medium, 🦋 Empowerment Teacher, 🎤Podcast Host 🌕Full Moon Newsletters, 💖 Shaman and Angelic Practitioner 🌈Chakras Practitioner & ✨Reiki Master

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Welcome to the mystical musings podcast, where we connect to spirit and give you different perspectives on spiritual topics and engaging conversations with community leaders, healers, and teachers.  Today we are exploring the energy and bits of astrology for this full moon asking us what needs aren’t we meeting and letting go of fears that are keeping us stagnated.  Let’s go on this journey together to connect to these shadow pieces within.

This Virgo Full Moon on March 18th leads us into the Spring Equinox and the start of the Astrological New Year. Remember that full Moons represent points of release, so this is the perfect opportunity to purge all that you no longer wish to carry into this cycle. One big thing to choose to let go of is self-criticism and the idea of being perfect. Neptune will also be very active under this Full Moon. While Neptune can boost our spiritual insights, it can also cloud things for us and make it harder to see the whole truth. We may have to be mindful of the idea that not all that glitters is gold. Trust your intuition, listen to its guidance and really seek out the truth in any situation. 

Why are you hearing in astrology this is the start of the New Year?

In astrology, the Sun moves into Aries at the same time as the Equinox. Aries is considered to be the first sign of the zodiac, and when staring in this sign it is considered the start of the astrological year.  So happy New year!!! As we shift into this New Year, I am going to ask you to set some intentions for what you want in your life for this coming year. 

 Aries is a sign of leadership, so think about what you want to take a leadership role in your life right now. The Spring or Fall Equinox (depending on where you live) is a high vibration day where we are guided to bring balance into our lives. Both of these are transitional seasons where they honor the cycles of life and death, creation, and transitions.  We need to look at how we can use the Equinox energies to honor both these sides of our human experience. What has died in your life? What has been reborn?  What would you like to create and what needs to transform?

March is the only month of 2022 where we have zero major planets in retrograde. This means the month unfolds us with some bold, fast, forward-moving energy that is pushing us past our fears and to take action on the things that we really want to do. So, take advantage of this energy now. Start that new project, take action on the things that you want to do. Leave your excuses to the side and use this energy to make your move! This is especially true in the second half of the month as we cross over into Aries Season following the spring/autumn Equinox.

 Full Moon energy is going to press us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order.  Virgo energy is focused on vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite. Virgo rules the tools and techniques we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools on how to manage our spiritual selves.

Some sort of predicament will be emerging and this can also look like a crisis of consciousness or sudden awareness of a lack in your life.  This experience will provide us with an opportunity to explore our needs in emotional, mental, physical areas of our lives and how are these needs being met.

What are these needs they are asking us to explore

1st let’s start with your well-being- this asks us to look at 

physiological needs: biological requirements for survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep.

Questions to ask if these are being met: is your basic needs being met with food, shelter?

Are you getting enough sleep?

Do you have physical intimacy in your life? 

Do you feel financially secure?

Do you feel you have tools and resources to support your medical needs?

Do you move(exercise)?

Do you like your job?

Safety needs - the needs for security and safety become super important. People want to experience order, predictability, and control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family, friends, community,  schools, work ect.  

What are you afraid of?

Do you feel safe in your life/ is there a place you don’t feel safe?

Do you feel like you are treated socially right?

Do you feel like others understand you? 

Do you feel you have the freedom to truly express who you are? 

Last but the most important is Love and belongingness needs – this need is a social connection and involves feelings of belongingness and acceptance. We each have a need to love and be loved by others. We each have a need to belong.  This unfolds in our interpersonal relationships, friendships and family, and being part of a group or community.

Is your love language being expressed to you? (This is how you receive and feel love) You know, we accept the love we think we deserve. So, if you notice a pattern of being in abusive and toxic relationships somewhere inside you believe you deserve this type of treatment.  Its learning to see those patterns and the pieces within that we need to shift. 

How is affection taking a role in your life?

Do you feel others understand you?

What things do you participate in to make you feel a part of something more than yourself?

What creative activities do you do? 

Do you have meaningful relationships?

Are you part of a community group?

How to apply what you just discovered about your needs

this Full Moon energy urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. To really look at our work, habits, health, and routines.   And really use this information to move into the next actions, we can’t sit on our feelings–we need to express them!  You will see what needs need more attention and growth. 

We are starting to shift this illusion of the old world and the world ways.  The persisted ideas with duality and separation are unravelling and the new energy will be working with more togetherness, harmony, wealth, co-creatorship, serenity… moving us into vast heart expanded consciousness that we all have divine potential inside of ourselves.  When we work with heart consciousness, we move our energy from fixedness to possibilities and this equals manifestation. 

The old energy is becoming frantic trying to keep its form in this world right now with fear, anger corruption. It’s our job to focus on the positive energy and see how others are starting to move more into alignment with their energy bodies.  People are exploring cosmic information, ancient wisdom teachings, and looking at how they co-create with the universe.   We are in the process of significant transformations as the old-rooted systems are being exposed and hopefully dissolving soon. 

Remember Fear shapes our perceptions of reality and how we will behave.  When we perceive something, our brain reacts to it. It makes us act, act against it.  We impose our own limitations with the attention we are feeding it.  If you feel fearful about world events then change the energy you’re putting out and focus on what is going right with the events.   Let’s take the war with Ukraine and Russia…. this is terrifying and upsetting that something like that is happening now.  I focus on seeing the world rally together, the internet doing what it can to support them, us having to look at alternative fuel sources (this is a good thing in the long run even though the prices are skyrocketing), that the evil energy of bullying is no longer being tolerated. Change is fearful and scary but let’s change the energy to hope and resilience. So, it’s learning to change our reactions to our emotions to change the reaction of fear.

We choose to come here for the experiences even the negative aspects of the world are of our own doing in some parts.  What do I mean by this? thinking we are just limited to this physical construct of the physical body and that’s all we are. When we fact we are these major generators of energy force with our emotions, thoughts, biofields and so much more.  We can help balance and bring in good energy with our thoughts and emotions.  

The more we work on getting aligned with our higher self the more we can let loose the imposed restrictions on ourselves with believing we can or we are not that powerful. Then that’s the energy we will put out, if we focus on hope, love, and transformation we can change the energy around us.  We have come here for experience… to grow the spiritual parts of ourselves.  To experience lack and abandonment is to make us appreciate the beautiful quality of connection and love. Only then can we really learn and understand the lesson the growth.  I can tell you what chocolate tastes like but when you taste it and experience it, it has a whole different feeling and learning.

The biggest takeaway is to look at what needs of yours need some attention to and don’t let fear be your driver.

Ritual to release fear

Supplies: Pen and paper

Symbol of the spiral 

Candle: any

Today we are going head-on with our fear and letting that bitch go.  

Action: set your sacred space.  And then get some 639-hertz music on (free resources on youtube and Spotify) and lite your candle with the intention that the light shows these fears you carry front in center.


I choose to face you my fears, the ones I see and the unseen

You have kept me safe and also stuck

I have known you deeply and I have been afraid to express you

Today I claim the beauty you played in my life

Today I release the blocks you set before me

Today I give thanks for the lessons you taught me

Today you are no longer that deep whisper within,

I release the tainted view you give me with your eyes

I take back the voice you kept me from expressing

Today I release with love


Action: get pen/paper

Write down your fears and give them a name

Examples: Fear of public speaking, not being enough, flying, sharks, heights, clowns, death and dying, nuclear attack, heartbreak, humiliation, 

 Ask these questions:

What are you scared of?

Why does this scare you?

What am I worrying about?

Where do I need to pay attention to so that I can grow?


Step into Compassion with your fear.  Grab the spiral symbol and hold it between your hands.  It will help release the energy from your body

Ways, it has kept you safe and pushed you towards something bigger than yourself.  Tell the fear you are thankful for the gift it played but time to let you go.  Then sit and see it being released from your body as you take some deep breathes. 

Once you have finished spend some time reconnecting to your breath.  Repeat the breathing in/out.

Give gratitude for the insight upon received, give gratitude to yourself for doing this deep work and give gratitude to the universe and close the ceremony. 

 SPIRAL:  The spiral ‘spirals’ up to connect the physical self to the Higher Self, and all levels of our being (inter-dimensionally) and into the core of the Earth. Galaxies are in spirals of energy. Energy moves in spirals. The spiral is also the kundalini, which is symbolic of raising one’s consciousness on the path of the evolution of the soul. The spiral is connected to the flow of energy through the chakras as they spin in a circle. The spiral is the spiral shape as a double helix in the DNA of each cell.  

Thank you for joining me today I hope you took some ways to help see what needs you have need some after loving attention and what fears need to be let go of.

You can connect with me at my website at . Become my friend on social media.  I have some amazing metaphysical products and services available on my webstore.  If you enjoyed this podcast you can support us with a coffee or Venmo ofernda.  this allows us to continue to roll out these podcasts

Just a reminder

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."- Carl Jung.